C-25. Equity & Diversity
The Office of Equity & Diversity compiles and maintains statistical data on faculty and staff at Indiana University Southeast. This data is used in completing federal and state reports and writing the university Affirmative Action Plan. Schools, administrative units, and departments of the university receive related sections of this data during the recruitment process to aid in affirmative action planning for their areas. The Affirmative Action Plan can be found in the Office of Equity and Diversity.
Employee Searches
The Office of Equity and Diversity works with departments engaged in faculty, professional staff, and support staff searches to ensure that the most effective recruitment and fairest selection practices are followed. The office offers training sessions designed in conjunction with human resources for supervisors. The office has developed a recruitment guide that can help departments understand the hiring process and diversity their staff through advertising and networking. The office also monitors academic staff searches and consults with departments to develop strategies for meeting departmental affirmative action goals.
Complaint Investigation
The Office of Equity and Diversity works hard to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws and with university Equal Employment Opportunity and affirmative action policies. Information regarding the complaint process can be found on the IU Southeast Office of Equity & Diversity website.
Education, Training, and Consultation
The Office of Equity and Diversity offers education, training, and consulting services to university departments (both academic and non-academic) concerning issues related to legal compliance, equity, and inclusivity.