A-7. Duties of Principal Administrators
As the chief executive officer of an IU campus, the chancellor is responsible for the total operation of the campus and is accountable to the Board of Trustees through the President and vice president for University Regional Affairs, Planning, and Policy. The chancellor assures that campus affairs are conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures of the IU system and all relevant state statutes; oversees the development and enforcement of all campus policies, plans, and regulations; and develops and supervises the administrative organizations. Communications between the Office of the President and the campus, and between IU Southeast and its publics in the geopolitical region, are of special concern. Among the chancellor’s duties are the preparation, review, approval, and implementation of final budgets, fiscal planning, and academic programs; and the development and utilization of the physical facilities. The chancellor presides over the Campus Diversity Committee, the IU Southeast Board of Advisors, and the Faculty Senate. Visit the Office of the Chancellor Website
- Director of Staff Equity and Diversity - The director of Staff Equity and Diversity plans, organizes, and administers the campus AA/EEO program to ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws, and university policy; develops, implements, and fosters a diverse cultural climate on campus to ensure equity in employment and educational access in concert with the associate vice chancellor of Academic Affairs and the dean of Campus Life to develop a strategy for increasing diversity of students, staff, and faculty; develops and implements the campus affirmative action plan with campus administration; investigates and resolves related grievances; plans and directs the coordination of policies and procedures in support of AA/EEO and campus diversity goals. This position reports to the Chancellor regarding formal grievances, complaints, and other responsibilities.
Regional Chief Information Officer
The regional chief information officer is responsible for providing strategic leadership in the planning, implementation, and administration of information technology services for the IU Regional Campuses, and represents these campuses for technology-related matters with the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology. Serves as an advocate for the development and use of information technologies to assist the university in fulfilling its teaching, research, and service missions. This position reports to the IU Office of the Vice President for Information Technology. Visit the Information Technology Website
- Executive Director of Information Technology – The executive director of information technology. Provides direction, leadership, and coordination for integration of information technology-related services for the campus. Serves as an advocate for the use of information technologies to assist the campus in fulfilling its mission. This position reports to the Regional Chief Information Officer.
- Director of Support Services – The director of support services is responsible for the campus IT/AV help desk and the telephone operators; manages the personnel, and the equipment of the department; establishes priorities, and business processes. This position reports to the campus executive director for Information Technology.
- Director of IT Media & Communications – The director of IT Media & Communications is responsible for the campus website, video production, and data management; manages the personnel and the equipment of the department; establishes priorities and business processes. This position reports to the campus executive director for Information Technology.
Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
As the chief academic officer of an IU campus, the executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs is accountable to the chancellor for the development, coordination, and promotion of all academic and non-credit programs and courses on the campus. The executive vice chancellor oversees and makes recommendations to the chancellor on the recruitment, selection, evaluation, compensation, promotion, tenure, termination, granting of leaves, and assignments of faculty members and other academic personnel; has overall responsibility for the periodic review of academic programs and for regular assessment of student academic achievement an institutional effectiveness for the purpose of program improvement; recommends allocation of resources to the academic units and support departments and supervises their budgets. Along with the associate vice chancellor, the executive vice chancellor oversees the development and utilization of learning resources, including the library, and develops programs to improve the quality of teaching and learning, to encourage and support faculty research and creative work, and to promote the cultural and intellectual growth of the academic community; chairs the Academic Council, supervises the academic advising of students, and oversees preparation of the schedule of classes and the IU Southeast Bulletin. Visit the Academic Affairs Website
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs -The associate vice chancellor coordinates faculty development in support of teaching excellence and supervises the Institute of Learning and Teaching Excellence (ILTE). The associate vice chancellor also coordinates the diversity efforts with Academic Affairs and works with the director of Equity & Diversity and the dean of Campus Life to coordinate campus diversity efforts; coordinates Academic Affairs’ efforts related to enrollment management and student success and acts as a liaison to Student Affairs in these areas; coordinates distributed education offerings and international programs; oversees the preparation of the IU Southeast Faculty Manual, and carries out the duties of the executive vice chancellor for Academic Affairs when necessary.
- Director of Institute Learning/Teaching Excellence - The primary responsibilities of the director of the Institute for Learning and Teaching Excellence (ILTE) include overall policy development and supervision of instructional technology lab and coordination of lab activities with Integrated Technology, including co-sponsored workshops such as the IU Southeast Annual Teaching Symposium; selection and oversight of all ILTE resources, and assessment of ILTE’s effectiveness and evaluation of all ILTE-sponsored events; production, and distribution, and maintenance of ILTE brochures, forms, and other publications, and oversight of the ILTE web page. Pursuit of external support through grants and gifts; updating of faculty skills list, representation of ILTE at conference and committees, and oversight of any other ILTE initiatives. Visit the ILTE Website
- Director of the Advising Center for Exploratory Students (ACES) - The director of ACES provides leadership and management for the Advising Center for Exploratory Students (ACES), which includes academic advising, retention, and probationary programs for undeclared students. Assists the associate vice chancellor for Academic Affairs with the administrative functions of advising across campus such as assessment and implementation of campus-wide advising initiatives. Maintains a regular schedule of advising students who are assigned to ACES. Develops advising program objectives and procedures for undeclared students, administers budgets, supervises staff, develops needed services for students, and supervises student records. Conducts applied research to determine effectiveness of advising programs and to institute new programs, policies, and procedures to enhance student persistence and success. Collaborates with professional and faculty advisors in the academic units to assure successful transition of students from ACES to the schools. Serves as a liaison with other enrollment management and student service offices. This position reports directly to the director of Advising. Visit the ACES Website
- Dean for Research - The dean for research facilitates research and creative work of faculty and students. The dean provides information on internal and external funding opportunities; manages funds for support of research and creative work; administers funded research in both pre-award and post-award phases; and supervises the Applied Research and Education Center. Additional information on research opportunities, policies, and procedures may be found in the IU Southeast Research Policy Manual. The dean works with the chair of the Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects and the chair of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee to assure compliance with all federal and university regulations governing the protection of human subjects and the humane treatment of animal subjects. Visit the Academic Affairs Website
- Academic Deans (Arts & Letters, Business, Education, Natural Sciences, Nursing, Social Sciences) - As the administrative officer in charge of an academic school, the dean is responsible for its educational programs and related activities and is accountable to the vice chancellor for academic affairs. The dean ensures that the affairs of the school are conducted in accordance with the policies and procedures of IU Southeast and relevant state statutes. After consultation with the faculty, deans develop and administer divisional policies, plans, and IU Southeast policies and regulations. With the assistance of the faculty, they prepare academic program proposals and implement them after approval. They recruit, evaluate, and administer personnel in the school, including recommending appointment, promotion, tenure, termination, salary, office assignments, and teaching or other work assignments after appropriate consultation with the faculty. The deans prepare the unit operating budgets and administer unit fiscal affairs. They call and chair faculty meetings, appoint committees, when needed, to assist the administration of the school. Deans represent the academic unit, maintain communications within the unit and with other units, supervise academic advising of students, handle of complaints from students, encourage excellence in teaching and research, and assist in the professional development of the faculty.
- Director of Library Services - The director of Library Services is responsible for all phases of operation of the IU Southeast library. In accordance with collection development guidelines established by the library and the IU Southeast Faculty Senate Library Committee, the director of Library Services, and staff, collect information resources in a variety of formats, including print and digital. Additionally, in support of the University’s General Education Learning Outcomes, the library develops and implements instruction and assessment programs related to information literacy. The director is also responsible for selecting and directing the library staff, supervising the processing, storage, and use of library materials and equipment, and overseeing utilization of all library space and facilities. Visit the Library Website
- Director of Institutional Effectiveness - The director of Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for all functions of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. Key functions include development and maintenance of appropriate information databases, production of regularly scheduled research reports, responding to requests for specialized research, and working with faculty to improve student learning through academic program assessment. The office provides assistance to units that undertake institutional research projects related to their areas of responsibility. The office also provides support for assessment of student academic achievement in academic programs and in general education. The director is also responsible for selecting and directing the work of staff assigned to the office. Visit the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
- Director of Academic Advising - The director of Academic Advising plans, directs, and administers all aspects of the Academic Success Center, which provides academic counseling for entering and high-risk students. The director develops advising program objectives and procedures and needed services for new students. The director also works with advisors in the academic units to ensure coordination of advising across the campus. The director conducts applied research to determine efficiency of the advising program and to institute new programs, techniques, and procedures to enhance student success. Visit the Academic Advising Website
- Director of Honors Program - The director of the Honors Program is responsible for all functions of the Indiana University Southeast Honors Program. Such functions include curriculum development, assessment of courses and the Honors Program itself, recruiting and retaining students, coordinating the Honors Council, and Honors Program Student Advisory Board, guiding students through various research projects and helping students acculturate to undergraduate life, as well as prepare for the possibility of post-undergraduate education and training. The director recruits and coordinates with faculty colleagues who teach within the Honors Program, coordinates the student trip to the Mideast Regional Honors Conference, and works with other constituencies within the Honors Program to meet student needs as they arise. The director is responsible for selecting and directing the work of staff members in the Honors Program office, as well as for processing budget requests and maintaining the budget. Visit the Honors Program Website
- Director of Student Success Center - The director of the Student Success Center is responsible for all aspects of operation of the Student Success Center, supervises the implementation of the tutoring program and Supplemental Instruction (SI), and recruits and evaluates faculty for study skills courses and workshops. The director is the test center administrator of record for all outside testing companies. Student Success Center staff and the director provide testing services for IU Southeast students, as well as students from online universities and others seeking exam proctoring services, and are also responsible for supervising staff, managing accounts, reporting data to campus units, and conducting research. Visit the Student Success Center Website
- Coordinator of Disability Services - The coordinator of Disability Services serves as the designated campus accommodations specialist for students with disabilities, ensuring compliance with federal accessibility laws and provides orientation, academic support, counseling, technology training, and academic accommodations to students with disabilities. Academic accommodations are based on a documented need and may include adjustments to testing, note-taking, and content delivery. The coordinator maintains budgets, analyzes needs, maintains records, investigates problems, and proposes solutions; acts as liaison with other departments and the community, keeps abreast of legal trends; and develops publications, manuals, and programs to train campus personnel, inform the public, and promote services related to accessibility. The Coordinator may serve as an advisor to a student organization related to disabilities, and also serve on the campus’s emergency management committee. Visit the Disability Services Website
Vice Chancellor for Administrative Affairs
The vice chancellor for Administration and Finance exercises executive and administrative direction over campus’s financial and selected administrative operational programs; development and monitoring of campus budgets; and coordination of and planning for capital construction, repairs and renovations, management of land acquisitions, operation and maintenance of facilities, grounds, and other aspects of campus infrastructure. The vice chancellor also establishes policies and procedures affecting long-range institutional plans and projects, and oversees a group of support operations to include: Accounting Services, IU Southeast Bookstore, Conference & Catering, Human Resources, Mail Services, Facility Operations, and University Police. Visit the Administrative Affairs Website
- Executive Director of Accounting Services - The director of Accounting Services provides administrative and management directions to control the operations of the Accounting Services Office, which include accounting, Bursar, budget and cash control functions, and campus card services (Crimson Card). With the vice chancellor for Administrative Affairs, plans, develops, and prepares the annual campus budget. As a fiscal officer, reviews and monitors current operating budgets and the accounting statement of accounts of the campus and acts as manager of the IU Southeast Chart of Accounts in the online Kuali Financial System (KFS). Exercises administrative (final) approval on all documents entered into the KFS and budget override authority in KFS’s online purchasing system, and oversees the Bursar functions and accounts receivable. Visit the Accounting Services Website
- Manager of the Bookstore - The bookstore manager oversees all aspects of the bookstore operations including purchase, receipt, and sale of merchandise. Develops and implements policies and procedures; prepares and manages budget; controls and monitors physical inventory; supervises staff; and represents bookstore at state and national meetings. Visit the IU Southeast Bookstore Website
- Director of Conference & Dining Services - The director of Conference & Dining Services manages the day-to-day operation of the campus conference center, catering department, and related auxiliary services; oversees the operational aspects of the retail dining programs; schedules and organizes the use of campus-wide facilities by on-campus and off-campus groups; coordinates all arrangements for functions, including catering, set-up, and media services; prepares and manages Conference & Catering budgets. Supervises Conference & Catering staff, food court servers and cashiers, coffee shop staff, Subway® Staff, and Papa John’s® staff. Visit the Dining Services Website
- Director of Human Resources - The director of Human Resources plans, directs, and administers activities for effective use of human resources to achieve the campus mission; oversees the direction and administration of payroll, fringe benefits, recruitment, university policies, classification, training and development programs, and unemployment and workers compensation, interprets and ensures compliance with federal and state regulations governing employment. Visit the Human Resources Website
- Executive Director of Facility Operations - The executive director of Facility Operations oversees the maintenance operations of the buildings, grounds, and automotive services; plans and directs renovations and maintenance programs; monitors contractor’s performance; develops safety programs in conjunction with the chief of police and safety. Visit the Facility Operations Website
- Chief of Police and Safety - The chief of Police and Safety serves as the senior law enforcement officer for the campus. The chief implements system-wide policies and procedures and provides law enforcement advice to campus administrators. The chief manages the campus police, fire, first-aid, key, safety, and parking programs along with OSHA, biohazard, hazardous materials, disaster response, and risk management programs. The Chief serves as the campus’s emergency management point-of-contact for emergency management planning and preparedness. Visit the University Police Website
Vice Chancellor of Advancement
The vice chancellor of Advancement supports the institution’s teaching, research and public service missions by forging partnerships with corporate and civic organizations, developing quality marketing programs that enhance the institution’s reputation and maintaining positive relationships with the university’s alumni. The vice chancellor works closely with campus and external stakeholders to achieve institutional goals, and is responsible for all internal and external communications, marketing, fundraising, alumni and donor relations, community relations and special events planning; develops policies and procedures; and establishes long-range plans to direct the campus's philanthropic and community-building efforts; and oversees Alumni Relations, Marketing and Communications, and Development. Furthermore, the office assists in the support of the university’s mission by fostering positive relationships with the university’s alumni; and fosters lifelong connections with each graduate, former graduate, current student, and friend of the university. Visit the Office of Advancement Website
- Director of Development - The director of Development serves as the primary fundraising officer of the campus to develop private financial support for the campus and is responsible for all fundraising cultivation, stewardship, identification, solicitation, and donor strategy development. Visit the Office of Development Website
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs
The vice chancellor for Student Affairs develops goals and conducts long-range planning for the division; approves resource allocations; oversees enrollment management, the student conduct system, non-academic student assessments, and the allocation of student activity fees. The vice chancellor provides direction for the following reporting units: Admissions, Athletics, Campus Life, Career Development, Mentoring Program, Financial Aid, Counseling and Psychological Services, and Residence Life and Housing, including areas that encompasses student activities, leadership programs, new student orientation, the Adult Student Center, and the Children’s Center. Visit the Student Affairs Website
- Director of Admissions - The director of Admissions plans, directs, and administers all aspects of undergraduate student admissions; develops and initiates recruitment strategies; interprets and applies university admissions policies; and coordinates the recruitment and persistence initiatives of the various enrollment offices on campus. Visit the Admissions Website
- Athletic Director - The director of Athletics is responsible for managing all aspects of the Athletic department including the campus’s seven intercollegiate sports, intramurals and recreation, and the fitness center. The director oversees student-athlete eligibility, NAIA and KIAC compliance, the day-to-day operations of the department, fundraising and scholarship development, sports information, and all department budgets and financial activities. Visit the Athletics Website
- Dean of Student Life - The dean of Student Life has the responsibility for the activities of student life including overseeing the office of Campus Life, student activities, student involvement center, game room, fraternity and sorority life, student governance, leadership programs, new student programs, adult student center, volunteer programs, and the children’s center. The dean ensures that effective, high-quality services and programs are provided to foster and support student engagement opportunities for co-curricular learning, student involvement, leadership development, and creative expression; serves as a leader for the campus diversity team and as a student conduct officer. Visit the Dean of Students Website
- Director of Career Development - The director of Career Development oversees the department which provides career counseling, experiential education, employment counseling, employment search, and future planning; oversees services-delivery which takes the form of workshops and seminars, one-on-one sessions, credit coursework, online resources, and outreach to employers. Visit the Career Development Website
- Director of Financial Aid - The director of Financial Aid plans and administers the procurement of financial aid funds, the development and implementation of policies and procedures, the provision of services, the maintenance of records, and the preparation of reports. Visit the Student Central Website for additional information about Financial Aid.
- Director of Mentoring Program - The director of the Mentoring Program plans, directs, and administers all aspects of operations, including the development and provision of programming for student retention for the Mentoring Program, Access to Success, Collegiate Summer Institute bridge programs, as well as various grant programs; recruits, selects, and provides guidance to volunteer faculty, staff, alumni mentors, and peer mentors; develops and conducts student recruitment; and oversees the maintenance of student records, budgets, and program assessments. Visit the Mentoring Program Website
- Director of Counseling and Psychological Services - The director of Counseling and Psychological Services provides direct oversight for services related to student mental health. These services include individual, family, and group counseling, as well as consultation and referral related to mental health issues for students, family members, faculty, and staff; provides resources for outreach and education programming, and crisis intervention. Visit the Counseling and Psychological Services Website
- Director of Residence Life & Housing - The director of Residence Life and Housing provides leadership and management for the Residence Life and Housing program including administrative decision-making and strategic planning. Areas of responsibility include fiscal oversight, program development and assessment (including learning outcomes), adjudication of judicial cases, oversight for marketing and publications, establishment of summer conference goals, and coordinating facility maintenance. The director fosters a learning-centered environment in the residence halls in partnership with academic deans, program coordinators, professional staff, and faculty. Visit the Housing Website
- Director of Marketing and Communications - The director of Marketing and Communications’ primary responsibilities are assisting the development and projection of IU Southeast’s image as the premier four-year institution in the region, facilitating communications internally and externally, coordinating campus publications, marketing the University to its several publics, and overseeing graphic design and communications. Visit the Office Marketing & Communications Website