Goal 4

Goal 4

IU Southeast will use high-impact practices (HIPs) and resources to promote equity in student retention, academic success and degree completion. 


  1. Decrease gaps in HIPs among academic programs and resource utilization between subgroups (e.g., first generation college students, underrepresented minority students and early career students), paying particular attention to groups with lower rates of persistence.
    1. Collect and analyze data to compare utilization rates of HIPs and resources among subgroups.
    2. Develop mechanisms to enhance utilization of HIPs and resources among subgroups. 
    3. Expand integration of HIPs into academic programs.
    4. Continue and expand a coaching model of advising that promotes usage of resources and best practices for student success, retention and persistence.
    5. Develop curricular and co-curricular programming for subgroups of students with historically lower rates of persistence. 

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