Purchase Request
The IU Southeast Library Collection is largely formed by the Purchase Requests of faculty members for the instructional and general education needs of the students of our university. Additionally, faculty make Purchase Requests to have materials available for their major areas of research and scholarship.
If you are a student, staff member, or community member, or you could not be authenticated into the Library Purchase Request form, you can Recommend a Purchase.
If you have any questions regarding the Faculty Purchase Request Form, please contact Melanie E. Hughes, Coordinator of Automation and Technical Services, by email at mehughes@ius.edu or by phone at (812) 941-2145.
Information about the Purchase Request Form
All Indiana University Southeast faculty can request monographic materials (print and e-books, sound recordings, scores, videos, etc.) for the Indiana University Southeast Library via the Library's online Faculty Library Purchase Request Form.
The Library considers journal and database needs on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the IU Southeast Librarians at selibres@iu.edu regarding your needs for these kinds of materials.
Below you will find some additional information about the Purchase Request Form and its fields:
- Authenticate into the form, using you IU Southeast user ID and password (if the authentication screen asks for a "domain," you should be able to ignore that request if on campus. Off campus you might need to type "ADS" in the "domain.") The first part of the form includes your name and contact information (including an office or departmental telephone number). Much of this information is automatically filled in; if any information is incorrect, please let us know. Please use the drop down menu to select a "Department." (If your department doesn't appear on the list, select "Other.")
- The more bibliographic information you supply, the more quickly we can locate and order your request. Additional information that can help us find your title can be included that in the text box at the bottom of the page.
- PRIORITY RANKINGS: The Library's goal is to meet all the information needs of our faculty and students. We can best accomplish that goal through a mix of ownership and resource sharing (e.g., interlibrary loan and document delivery). We ask each faculty member to contribute to that goal by assigning a priority ranking to each item requested.
Here's a brief guide to priority rankings.- An ESSENTIAL title is one that in your judgment must be owned by the Library on this campus. This category includes materials needed for teaching, learning, and research related to the University's curriculum.
- An IMPORTANT title is one that in your judgment must be readily available on demand, but need not be owned by the IU Southeast Library. If two or more copies of the title are available via inter-library loan from our partner libraries in the Indiana University Library system, we will not order the title immediately. Rather, we will hold the order and add these materials as our budget permits. (You need not check the number of copies held by the IU Libraries; we will perform that check as part of the ordering process.)
- A RECOMMENDED title is one that in your judgment is noteworthy, and that we should consider adding to the collection as fiscal resources permit. Included in this category you might include works that go beyond curricular and research needs, but are important in building a balanced and representative Library collection. Materials in this category will be held and ordered as the Library budget permits.
- RUSH: Please check the "RUSH" box when you have an urgent need for materials (e.g., a recent publication you plan to use in an impending course).
- PRIMARY USE: For informational purposes only, we ask you to indicate the primary use of the materials ordered, using the categories indicated. This is not an ordering filter, but we hope that the information collected will help us better understand and forecast ordering trends.
Melanie E. Hughes, the Library's Coordinator of Automation and Technical Services, and Barb Gelwick, Internet Webmaster (Integrated Technology) designed and implemented the Faculty Library Purchase Request Form.