
Welcome to the Match Game! This is a game designed to help you match your interests with careers. It can help you begin thinking about how your interests will fit in with specific work environments and careers. Birds of a feather really do flock together…come play along and see what happens!

This exercise is based on Dr. John Holland's theory that people and work environments can be loosely classified into six different groups. While you may have some interests in and similarities to several of the six areas, you may be attracted primarily to two or three of the areas. These two or three letters are your Holland Code.

Read the descriptions of each area and list the area you would be drawn to first, then your second choice, and finally your third choice then continue researching to find careers, majors, industries, and hobbies which align with each interest area.

Match Game Realistic Investigative Artistic Social Enterprising Conventional



I see myself as practical, self-reliant, reserved, and unassuming. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring mechanical ability, physical strength, or coordination in working with objects, machines, tools, athletic equipment, plants, or animals. I see myself as practical, self-reliant, reserved, and unassuming. I value building, repairing and being outdoors.

Learn more about careers for the Realistic group »



I see myself as scientific, intellectual, curious, scholarly, and logical. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring intellectual or analytical skills to observe, assess, evaluate, and theorize in order to solve problems. I see myself as scientific, intellectual, curious, scholarly, and logical. I value knowledge and academic achievement.

Learn more about careers for the Investigative group »



I see myself as creative, independent, original, sensitive, and expressive. I value beauty. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring artistic, creative, expressive, and intuitive skills to convey aesthetics, thoughts, and feelings in words, movement, sound, color, and form. I see myself as creative, independent, original, sensitive, and expressive. I value beauty.

Learn more about careers for the Artistic group »



I see myself as friendly, understanding, helpful, enthusiastic, and trusting. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring working with people to instruct, educate, train, or counsel them or to treat their ailments. I see myself as friendly, understanding, helpful, enthusiastic, and trusting. I value communication and cooperation.

Learn more about careers for the Social group »



I see myself as ambitious, competitive, confident, popular, sociable and shrewd. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring persuasive, managerial, supervisory, and leadership skills to obtain a political, social, or economic gain. I see myself as ambitious, competitive, confident, popular, sociable and shrewd. I value leadership.

Learn more about careers for the Enterprising group »



I see myself as organized, conscientious, practical, and systematic. I am interested in and skilled at activities requiring attention to detail and accuracy, and skilled in recording and organizing numerical and verbal data according to specified procedures and processes. I see myself as organized, conscientious, practical, and systematic. I value order.

Learn more about careers for the Conventional group »

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