
Begin your college career by establishing your personal career plan. Review the checklist to determine what items you will complete during each year of your college experience. This is your plan of action - each opportunity you choose will allow you to build your experience and strengthen your resume for the job search.

Download a copy of the Four Year Career Plan

Year One - Explore

  • Identify values, interests, personality, and skills by utilizing Majors & Careers resources online.
  • Log in to your Handshake account for access to job and internship postings, and valuable career tools.
  • Volunteer in your field of interest and participate in campus activities.
  • Create your base resume to identify gaps in your experience.
  • Set up an appointment with a career counselor to identify career options.

Year Two - Discover

Year Three - Connect

  • Seek a leadership position(s) with a student organization.
  • Gather information on summer learning opportunities like study abroad and community projects.
  • Start narrowing your career choices by speaking with faculty, family, friends, and peers.
  • Select elective courses and minors that will enhance your goals and help you develop new skills.
  • Secure an internship and keep track of your accomplishments. Talk to the Internship Coordinator to determine if the experience can be used for credit.
  • If attending graduate/professional school, start researching admission requirements and preparing for standardized tests (GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT, etc.)
  • Build practical experience through academic research and class projects.
  • Begin asking faculty and professional contacts for permission to use them as a professional reference.

Year Four - Achieve

  • Polish your resume and have it reviewed by a professional in the Career Development Center.
  • Gather information and contacts by attending Job Fairs and Workshops and by building your network through LinkedIn.
  • Join appropriate professional organizations to meet other professionals in your field.
  • Check Handshake and other job boards regularly for professional job postings.
  • Use contact names (found through networking) as liaisons to the company to search beyond the specific advertised job.
  • Make an appointment for a mock interview with the Career Development Center or practice interviewing with a visiting employer, friends, or family.
  • Research salary and cost of living using Glassdoor and other online resources.

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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