
Internal Grant Information

The Office of Academic Affairs funds a number of internal grants to support the research mission of Indiana University Southeast as outlined by the campus strategic plan. The list below includes these campus-funded grants as well as select IU-wide and regional research funding opportunities.

Summary of Internal Funding Opportunities and Deadlines

CREED RED Fund (up to $2,500, matching funds required)
Student Research/Creativity Fellowships Sept. 15, Jan., 15, Mar. 15
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research Initiative Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Faculty Development Travel Grants Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Faculty/Student Working Groups Summer Fellowships February 15
Grant in Aid of Research Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Improvement of Teaching Grants (up to $1,000) Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
International Mobility Grant Oct. 1, Feb. 1, Apr. 1, July 1
IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Programs
Large Grant Program (up to $5,000) November 15
Mentor Partnership Program Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Quick Response Mini-Grants Accepted any time
New Faculty Scholar Grant October 15
Regional Research/Creativity Initiative Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Sabbatical Leave of Absence
Presentation Travel Grants Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Visiting Exchange Scholars Accepted Anytime
Student Assistants Grants (up to $1,015) Oct. 15, Nov. 15, Feb. 15, Mar. 15
Summer Faculty Fellowship for Research November 15
Summer Faculty Fellowship for Teaching November 15

Student Research/Creativity Fellowships

Fellowships of $1,015 are awarded each semester to allow students to carry out major independent projects under the supervision of a faculty member. Students may also apply for $500 in research supplies and equipment. Faculty mentors receive a $500 stipend. Applications should be completed by the student applicant. Proposals will be reviewed by the Research & Grants committee. See the Academic Affairs Student Research page for application guidelines.

CREED RED Fund Application Process

The Regional Economic Development (RED) Fund is administered by the IU Council for Regional Engagement and Economic Development (CREED). These funds help start qualifying regional economic development initiatives across the state. IU campus entities sponsoring a program or event with the potential to directly enhance the region's economic vitality are eligible to submit a RED Fund proposal.

Guidelines and Application

Before submitting, contact the IU Southeast Campus CREED Representative (see more information about the IU Southeast representative). All IU Southeast RED Fund applications must have approval of the IU Southeast Campus CREED Representative before submission.

Contact the IU Southeast Dean for Research to discuss matching funds.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research Initiative

This program allows IU Southeast faculty to apply for up to $2500 in funding to support research or creative work focused explicitly on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Successful proposals will make clear connections between the proposed project and pursuant social action addressing community needs. Preference will be given to proposals that seem likely to result in external funding and/or increase the number of students participating in research and creative activity. Proposals for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Research Initiative will be reviewed by the Research & Grants committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Faculty Development Travel Grants

These grants offer partial support for travel to conferences and workshops whose relevance is interdisciplinary or related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. These funds are administered jointly by the Research and Grants and Improvement of Learning Committees. All full-time and part-time IU Southeast faculty are eligible. Applications for Faculty Development Travel Grants are reviewed by either the Research & Grants and Improvement of Learning Committees, depending on the focus of the application. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Faculty/Student Working Groups Summer Fellowships

This fellowship provides support for faculty working with 2 to 4 students on supervised individual or joint research projects or creative work. The supervising faculty member receives a summer faculty fellowship and each student participant receives a student research fellowship. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible. Applications for Faculty/Student Working Groups are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee.

View Guidelines for Faculty/Student Working Groups.

Grant in Aid of Research

These grants provide support to cover expenses of research or creative work. The maximum is established each year by the Research and Grants Committee. The award has rarely exceeded $1,000 for an individual applicant. All full-time and part-time IU Southeast faculty are eligible. If a faculty member has already received a grant from this fund, they should apply for external funding and/or publish/exhibit the results of the previous project before they apply for this grant a second time. Applications are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

International Mobility Grant

These funds are awarded by the IU Office of the Vice President for International Affairs. "The International Mobility Grant provides matching support for IU faculty to participate in a variety of activities that align with the applicant's individual research or creative work. It is intended to incorporate the longstanding support OVPIA has offered for participation in major disciplinary or interdisciplinary conferences in international venues but expands program parameters to also include participation in smaller workshops, working sessions, or individual meetings with collaborators. International mobility grants may also support short-term travel to conduct archive or field research, install an exhibit, or perform in a creative production." For guidelines and application information, see IU Global International Resources for Faculty.

IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Programs

This IU-wide program "provides funding in support of research and creative activity through a variety of mechanisms, including a Fellows Program as well as travel and production grants." For further information, visit the IU Presidential Arts and Humanities Programs webpage.

Large Grant Program

The program allows IU Southeast faculty to apply for up to $5,000 in funding to support research or creative work. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible. Preference will be given to proposals that seem likely to result in external funding or increase the number of students participating in research and creative activity. Applications may take the form of requests for equipment, for matching funds, for large-scale survey studies, or for reassigned time from teaching to provide sufficient time complete an application for external funds. Applications for large grants will be reviewed by the IU Southeast Research & Grants Committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Mentor Partnership Program

The Research and Creativity Mentor Partnership program is aimed at fostering interdepartmental and/or intercampus collaborations to support the development of faculty skills and achievements in their field of scholarship and creative work. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible. Applications are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Quick Response Mini-Grants

Quick Response Mini-Grants: These funds are available to pay minimal costs associated with research/creative work, the publication or presentation of such work or for the preparation of proposals for the funding of such work. The maximum award is $75. These funds are not available for annually renewable items such as memberships or software purchases. Larger or multiple requests should be submitted as a Grant in Aid of Research. All full-time and part-time IUS faculty are eligible. Submit a memo detailing the request to the Dean for Research.

New Faculty Scholar Grant

The purpose of this fund is to provide up to $10,000 to facilitate research and creative activity for faculty in the first year of a tenure-track position at IU Southeast. Funds are intended to assist faculty efforts to procure external funding and to recruit student assistants. Proposals must include a detailed budget, current curriculum vitae, and two letters of support. One letter of support must come from the school dean. The IU Southeast Research & Grants committee will review applications. In the event there are no fundable applications, available funds will be added to the Large Grant Program funding available to all tenured or tenure-track faculty members.

Regional Research/Creativity Initiative

This program allows IU Southeast faculty to apply for up to $2500 in funding to support regionally focused research or creative work. Successful proposals will connect the campus and faculty to the broader community, demonstrating the value of research or creative activity of a regional campus to the regional community. The research may address community challenges and/or potentially result in the development of opportunities for the community. The creative activity may promote artistic awareness or enhance the artistic culture of the community.

Preference will be given to proposals that seem likely to result in external funding or increase the number of students participating in research and creative activity. Proposals for the Regional Research/Creativity Initiative will be reviewed by the Research & Grants committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Sabbatical Leaves of Absence

Sabbatical leave will be for one semester at full salary or for one year at half salary. Only tenured faculty are eligible. Applications for sabbatical leaves of absence are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. Applications are reviewed in two steps: Draft applications are due October 1 and final applications are due November 21. For more information, see the IU Southeast Research Policy Manual.

Presentation Travel Grants

These grants offer partial support for faculty members who have the opportunity to present, exhibit, or participate in some other significant way at a professional meeting. All full-time and part-time IU Southeast faculty are eligible. Each faculty member may receive a maximum or one presentation travel grant per academic year. These funds may be used to augment other travel funds, such as those provided by a unit. When funds are limited, priority will be given to tenure-track faculty who have not presented at any conference in a given year. Applications are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. To apply, submit to the Dean of Research the details of the accepted presentation, the details of the meeting event, and the record of travel support received previously from the Research & Grants Committee.

Visiting Exchange Scholars

The Office of the Vice President for International Affairs (OVPIA) at Indiana University coordinates several exchange programs for faculty and graduate students with partner institutions around the world. See more information about International Partnerships.

Student Assistant Grants

These grants provide support to cover expenses of a student research assistant. All full-time and part-time IU Southeast faculty are eligible. Applications for Student Assistant Grants are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research

The purpose of the fellowships is to provide support for full-time summer activities related to research or creative work. Half fellowships may be awarded in special circumstances. The amount of the award varies, but in no case may it exceed 20% of the individual's 10-month salary. Only tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible. Applications for Summer Faculty Fellowships for Research are reviewed by the Research & Grants Committee. Grant applications follow general internal grant guidelines.

Summer Faculty Fellowships for Teaching

The purpose of the fellowships is to provide support for full-time summer activities related to teaching enhancement or curriculum development. Half fellowships may be awarded in special circumstances, only. The amount of the award varies, but in no case may it exceed 20% of the individual's 10-month salary. All full-time IU Southeast faculty are eligible. Applications Summer Faculty Fellowships for Teaching are reviewed by the Improvement of Learning Committee.

View Guidelines for Summer Faculty Fellowships.

Campus Events

CANCELED: Canvas Workshops

CANCELED: Canvas Workshops

September 9th, 2024

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Kappa Alpha Psi Interest meeting

Kappa Alpha Psi Interest meeting

September 9th, 2024

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Employer Table Tuesday: Kelly Education

Employer Table Tuesday: Kelly Education

September 10th, 2024

11:15 AM - 1:15 PM

Lunch Bible Study

Lunch Bible Study

September 10th, 2024

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

Thinkfast! - Title IX Edition (Win $200 cash)

Thinkfast! - Title IX Edition (Win $200 cash)

September 10th, 2024
September 11th, 2024

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

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Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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