
Fine Arts Scholarships

Martha Stem Scholarship
$2,500 renewable

The recipient must be enrolled full-time in the music or fine arts programs and must remain in good standing with the division. This scholarship is to be used to cover only tuition, required books, fees and supplies. This scholarship may be reduced when used with other scholarships.

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Rebecca Jennings Scholarship
$1,000 non-renewable

The recipient must be an outstanding fine arts student.

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Kate Torp Memorial Scholarship
$1,000 non-renewable

The recipient must be at least sophomore status; completed foundation courses required for Fine Arts and have a minimum of 3.3 GPA.

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Adam Woeppel Fine Arts Scholarship
$500 non-renewable

The recipient must have a minimum 3.0 GA in all Fine Arts coursework; preference given to students in any Fine Arts Studio Concentration who has completed all of their foundation courses, three of their 200 level studios and at least one 300 level studio in their concentration. Students pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Studio Concentration are eligible for this scholarship. Financial need considered, as measured by the FAFSA, but will not be a determining factor.

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John R. Guenther Memorial Art Scholarship
$1,000 renewable

The Guenther scholarship supports scholarships for undergraduate students in the School of Arts and Letters at IU Southeast who have financial need, a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and are majoring or minoring in Fine Arts or who have a serious commitment to art as determined by the Scholarship Committee. The amount of the scholarship will be $1,000. The scholarship may be renewed provided recipients maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.

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Campus Events

Writing Center Spring Break Hours

Writing Center Spring Break Hours

March 21st, 2025

All day event

Writing Center Spring Break Hours

Writing Center Spring Break Hours

March 22nd, 2025

All day event

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Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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