

Published Books and Articles by Resident Social Scientists

Abshire, Jean

View Jean Abshire's biography.

  • Abshire, Jean. 2011. The History of Singapore. Greenwood Press.

Baker, Mary Anne

  • Baker, Mary Anne, Linda Gugin, and Marcia Segal. 1980. Women Today: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Women’s Studies. Brooks/Cole Publishing.
  • Baker, Mary Anne, ed. 1987. Sex Differences in Human Performance. Wiley.

Burks, Ashley

  • Henry, M. C., Burks, M. A., & Zoernig, E. L. (2023). PTSD, Relationship Satisfaction, and Social Support for EMS Workers and Their Romantic Partners. The Family Journal, 0(0).

Carducci, Bernardo

View Bernardo Carducci's biography.

  • Carducci, Bernardo. 2015. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research and Applications. (third edition) Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 2009. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research and Applications. (second edition) Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Carducci, Bernardo and T.H. Fields. 2006. The Shyness Workbook for Teens. Research Press.
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 2005. The Shyness Workbook: 30 Days to Dealing Effectively with Shyness. Research Press.
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 2004. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research and Applications. (revised) Thomson/Wadsworth.
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 2003. The Shyness Breakthrough. Rodale. (Translated into Dutch.)
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 1999. Shyness: A Bold New Approach. HarperCollins. (Translated into Dutch, German, Korean, Spanish, Polish & Portuguese.)
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 1999. The Pocket Guide to making Successful Small Talk: How to Talk to Anyone Anytime Anywhere about Anything. Pocket Guide Publishing. (Translated into Korean.)
  • Carducci, Bernardo. 1998. The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research and Applications. Brooks/Cole Publishing.

Dahlgren, Donna

View Donna Dahlgren's biography.

  • Dahlgren, Donna, ed. 2008, 2nd edition. College Success Guide. Pearson.
  • Dahlgren, Donna, ed. 2007. College Success Guide. Pearson.

Farrell, William J.

  • Farrell, William J. 1994. Prisons, Work and Punishment. Kendall-Hunt Press.
  • Farrell, William J. 1991. Prison Boot Camps: A Critical Evaluation: Project on Urban and Regional Affairs. Mott Foundation Press.
  • Farrell, William J. and John D. Hewitt, eds. 1987. Theory and Measure of Crime and Delinquency. Gin Press.

Findling, John E.

  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds, 2004. Events That Changed Great Britain from 1066 to 1714. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 2002. Events That Changed Great Britain Since 1689.Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 2001. Events That Changed the World through the 16th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 2000. Events That Changed America through the 17th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1999. Events That Changed the World in the 17th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1998. Events That Changed America in the 18th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1998. Events That Changed the World in the 18th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1997. Events That Changed America in the 19th Century. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1996. Events That Changed America in the 20th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1996. Events That Changed the World in the 20th Century.Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1996. Events That Changed the World in the 19th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. Encyclopedia of the Modern Olympic Movement. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. Encyclopedia of World's Fairs and Expositions. McFarland.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. 1990. Historical Dictionary of World's Fairs and Expositions. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. 1996. Historical Dictionary of the Modern Olympic Movement. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1993. Statesmen Who Changed the World. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John. 1989 (revised). Dictionary of American Diplomatic History. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John. 1987. Close Neighbors, Distant Friends. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John. Chicago's Great World's Fairs: Studies in Design and Material Culture. Manchester University Press.
  • Rydell, Robert, John E. Findling and Kimberly D. Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995). 2000. Fair America: World's Fairs in the United States. Smithsonian Institution.

Finkel, Deborah

View Deborah Finkel's biography.

  • Finkel, D., & Reynolds, C. A. (eds.) (2014). Behavior genetics of cognition across the lifespan. New York: Springer.
  • Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., & Pedersen, N. L. (2015). Sex differences in genetic and environmental influences on longitudinal change in functional ability in late adulthood. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 70, 709-717.
  • Reynolds, C. A., & Finkel, D. (2015). A meta-analysis of heritability of cognitive aging: minding the “missing heritability” gap. Neuropsychology Review, 25, 97-112.
  • Finkel, D., Davis, D. W., Turkheimer, E., & Dickens, W. T. (2015). Applying biometric growth curve models to developmental synchronies in cognitive development: The Louisville Twin Study. Behavior Genetics, 45, 600-609.
  • Davis, D. W., Finkel, D., Turkheimer, E., & Dickens, W. T. (2015). Genetic and environmental contributions to behavioral stability during infancy: Revisiting Louisville Twin Study Data. Behavior Genetics, 45, 610-621.
  • Gatz, M., Reynolds, C. A., Finkel, D., Hahn, C., Zhou, Y., Zavala, C., for the IGEMS Consortium (2015). Data harmonization in aging research: Not so fast. Experimental Aging Research, 14, 475-495.
  • Sternäng, O., Reynolds, C. A., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Pedersen, N. L., Dahl, A. K. (2015). Grip strength and cognitive abilities: Associations in old age. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 71, 841-848.
  • Andel, R., Finkel, D., & Pedersen, N. L. (2015). Effects of pre-retirement work complexity and post-retirement leisure activity on cognitive aging. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 71, 849-856.
  • Reynolds, C.A., & Finkel, D. (2016). Cognitive and physical aging: Genetic influences and gene-environment interplay (pp. 125-146). In W. K. Schaie & S. L. Willis, Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, 8th Edition. New York: Elsevier.
  • Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Pedersen, N. L. (2016). Temporal dynamics of motor functioning and cognitive aging. Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 71, 109-116.
  • Finkel, D., & Pedersen, N. L. (2016). Gene-environment interplay in adulthood. Behavior Genetics, 46, 1-3.
  • Finkel, D., Franz, C. E., Horwitz, B., Christensen, K., Gatz, M., Johnson, W., Kaprio, J., Korhonen, T., Niederheiser, J., Petersen, I., Rose, R. J., & Silventoinen, K. for the IGEMS consortium (2016). Gender differences in marital status moderation of genetic and environmental influences on subjective health. Behavior Genetics, 46, 123-144.
  • Franz, C. E., Finkel, D., Panizzon, M. S., Spoon, K., Christensen, K., Gatz, M., Krueger, R., Kremen, W., Neiderheiser, J., Reynolds, C., Pedersen, N. L. for the IGEMS consortium (2017). Facets of subjective health from early adulthood to old age. Journal of Aging and Health, 29(1), 149-171.
  • Finkel, D., Sternäng, O., & Wahlin, Å. (2017). Genetic and environmental influences on longitudinal trajectories of functional biological age. Behavior Genetics, 47, 375-382.
  • Ernsth Bravell, M., Finkel, D., Dahl, A. K., Reynolds, C. A., & Pedersen, N. L. (2017). Motor functioning differentially predicts mortality in men and women. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 72, 6-11.
  • Hallgren, J., Fransson, E. I., Reynolds, C. A., Finkel, D., Pedersen, N.L., & Dahl Aslan, A.K. (2018). Cognitive trajectories pre- and post hospitalization in older Swedish adults. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 74, 9-14.
  • Pahlen, S., Hamdi, N.R., Dahl Aslan, A.K., Horwitz, B.N., Panizzon, M.S., Petersen, I., Zavala, C., Christensen, K., Finkel, D.,  Franz, C.E.,  Gatz, M.,  Johnson, W.,  Kremen, W.S., Krueger, R.F., Neiderhiser, J.M.,  Reynolds, C.A., Pedersen, N.L.,  & McGue, M. (2018). Age-moderation of genetic and environmental contributions to cognitive functioning in mid- and late-life for specific cognitive abilities. Intelligence, 68, 70-81.
  • Finkel, D., Andel, R., & Pedersen, N. L. (2018). Gender differences in longitudinal trajectories of change in physical, social, and cognitive leisure activities. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 73, 1491-1500. doi:10.1093/geronb/gbw116.
  • Duggan, E. C., Piccinin, A. M., Clouston, S., Koval, A., Robitalle, A., Zammit, A. R., Wu, C., Brown, C. L., Lee, L., Finkel, D., Graham, R. B., Muniz Terrera, G., Katz, M., Lipton, R. B., Deeg, D., Bennett, D., Björk, M. P., Johansson, B., Spiro, A., Weuve, J., & Hofer, S. M. (2019). A Multi-Study Coordinated Meta-Analysis of Pulmonary Function and Cognition in Aging. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 74, 1793-1804.
  • Zammit, A.R., Piccinin, A.M., Duggan, E., Koval, A., Clouston, S., Robitaille, A., Brown, C.L., Handshuh, P., Wu, C., Jarry, V., Finkel, D., Graham, R.B., Muniz-Terrera, G., Praetorius Björk, M., Bennett, D., Deeg, D.J., Johansson, B., Katz, M.J., Kaye, J., Lipton, R.B., Martin, M., Pedersen, N.,  Spiro, A., Zimprich, D., Hofer, S.M. (2019). A coordinated multi-study analysis of the longitudinal association between grip strength and cognitive function in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.
  • Pedersen, N. L., Gatz, M., Finch, B. K., Finkel, D., Butler, D. A., Aslan, A. D., Franz, C. E., Kaprio, J., Lapham, S., McGue, M., Mosing, M. A., Niederhiser, J., Nygaard, M., Panizzon, M., Prescott, C. A., Reynolds, C. A., Sachdev, P., Whitfield, K., for the IGEMS Consortium (2019). IGEMS: The Consortium on Interplay of Genes and Environment across Multiple Studies: An update. Twin Research and Human Genetics. doi:10.1017/thg.2019.76
  • Davis, D. W., Turkheimer, E., Finkel, D., Beam, C., & Ryan, L. (2019). The Louisville Twin Study: Past, Present, and Future. Twin Research and Human Genetics. doi: 10.1017/thg.2019.37
  • Finkel, D., Sternäng, O., Jylhävä, J., Bai, G., & Pedersen, N. L. (2019). Functional aging index complements frailty in prediction of entry into care and mortality. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glz155
  • Finkel, D., & Franz, C. E., Christensen, K., Reynolds, C. A., Pedersen, N. L., for the IGEMS consortium (2020). Longitudinal twin study of subjective health: Differences in genetic and environmental components of variance across age and sex. Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences, 75, 1-10.
  • Finkel, D. & Ernsth-Bravell, M. (2020). Cohort by education interactions in longitudinal changes in functional abilities. Journal of Aging and Health, 32, 208-215.
  • Beam, C. R., Turkheimer, E., Finkel, D., Levine, N., Zandi, E., Guterbock, T., Giangrande, E., & Davis, D. W. (2020). Midlife study of the Louisville twins: Connecting cognitive development to biological and cognitive aging. Behavior Genetics, 50, 73-83.
  • Li, X., Ploner, A., Wang, Y., Magnusson, P. K. E., Reynolds, C., Finkel, D., Pedersen, N. L., Jylhävä, H., & Hägg, S. (2020). Longitudinal trajectories, correlations and mortality associations of nine biological ages across 20-years follow-up. eLife. doi: 10.7554/eLife.51507
  • Bülow, P., Bülow, P. H., Ernsth-Bravell, M., & Finkel, D. (2020). De dubbelt marginaliserade: Äldre personer med allvarliga psykiska problem utgör en ofta negligerad grupp, med stora behov på grund av sin specialla sårbarhet i form av samsjuklighet och stigmatisering. [The doubly marginalized: Elderly people with serious mental health problems form an often-neglected group, with great needs due to their special vulnerability in the form of co-morbidity and stigmatization.] Äldre Centrum, 1/2020, 54-57.
  • Raymond, E., Reynolds, C. A., Dahl Aslan, A. K., Finkel, D., Eriksson, M., Hägg, S., Pedersen, N. L., & Jylhävä, J. (2020). Drivers of Frailty from Adulthood into Old Age: Results from a 27-year Longitudinal Population-Based Study in Sweden. Journal of Gerontology: Series A, 75, 1943-1950.
  • Emery, C., Finkel, D., Gatz, M., & Dahl-Aslan, A. (2020). Evidence of bi-directional associations between depressive symptoms and body mass among older adults. Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75, 1689-1698.
  • Finkel, D., Ernsth Bravell, M., & Pedersen, N. L. (2020). Role of motor function and lung function in pathways to aging and decline. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32, 2479-2487. doi: 10.1007/s40520-020-01494-3.
  • Finkel, D., Malmberg, B., & Sundström, G. (2021). Ett anspråkslöst förslag om att komplettera vanliga ADL-mätningar med indikatorer för sådana subtila göromål som att sittande nå ner till tårna. [An unassuming proposal to supplement standard ADL measurements with indicators for such subtle tasks as trimming toenails.] Äldre Centrum, 1/2021, 90-93.
  • Finkel, D. & Sundström, G. (2021). Quality of life of older Swedes. In G. Fernandez-Mayoralas & F. Rojo-Perez (Eds.), Active Aging and Quality of Life (pp. 549-588). New York: Springer.
  • Lindmark, U., Johansson, L., Ernsth Bravell, M., & Finkel, D., (2021). Oral health is essential for quality of life in older adults: A Swedish National Quality Register study. Gerodontology, 38, 191-198.
  • Johansson, L., Finkel, D., Christina Lannering, Dahl Aslan, A., Andersson-Gäre, B., Hallgren, J., Lindmark, U., & Ernsth Bravell, M. (2021). Using aggregated data from Swedish national quality registries as tools to describe health conditions of older people. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 33, 1297-1306.
  • Finkel, D., Bülow, P. H., Wilińska, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, J., Ernsth Bravell, M., & Bülow, P. (2021). Does the length of institutionalization matter? Longitudinal follow-up of persons with severe mental illness 65 years and older: shorter-stay versus longer-stay. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36, 1223-1230.

Fry, Melissa

View Melissa Fry's biography.

  • Fry, Melissa forthcoming. “Social Institutions: Education” Introduction to Sociology in Action, 2nd edition, edited by Kathleen Korgen and Maxine Atkinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Applied Research and Education Center. 2019.
  • Early Care and Education: Full Report.” 
    Hoffman, Lisa, Shifa Podikunju-Hussain, Melissa Fry. 2018. “Seeing ‘RED’ to Serve Students: An Example of Advocacy for Counseling Services for Refugee and Immigrant Adolescents.” Journal for Social Action in Counseling Psychology 10(1): 38-61.
    Fry, Melissa. 2018.
  • “Social Institutions: Education” Introduction to Sociology in Action, edited by Kathleen Korgen and Maxine Atkinson. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Applied Research and Education Center. 2017.
  • The Nonprofit Sector: A Resource Guide for Clark and Floyd Counties. New Albany, IN: Community Foundation of Southern Indiana. Applied Research and Education Center. 2015.
  • 2015 Assessment of Needs and Priorities in Clark and Floyd Counties. New Albany, IN: IU Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. Applied Research and Education Center. 2015.
  • Meaningful Metrics: Women and Girls of Clark, Floyd & Harrison Counties—Baseline Data Profile 2015. New Albany, IN: IU Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. Applied Research and Education Center. 2015.
  • Vision 2025: A Strategic Plan to End Homelessness in Clark and Floyd Counties. New Albany, IN: IU Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. Applied Research and Education Center. 2014.
  • Concentrated Poverty in Southern Indiana Louisville-Metro, 1990-2010. New Albany, IN: IU Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. Melissa S. Fry, Shifa Podikunji-Hussain, and Lisa Hoffman. 2013.
  • Counseling Needs of Students at JCPS Newcomer Academy. Executive Summary and Statistical Abstract. New Albany, IN: Indiana University Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. (A communications piece produced separately from report submitted to JCPS). Podikunji-Hussain, Shifa, Melissa S. Fry and Lisa Hoffman. 2013.
  • Counseling Needs of Students at JCPS Newcomer Academy. Full Report. Applied Research and Education Center. 2013.
  • Jeffersonville Township Public Library: Assessment of Non-Use. New Albany, IN: Indiana University Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. Applied Research and Education Center. August 2012.
  • Assessing Needs and Perceptions on the Backside. New Albany, IN: Indiana University Southeast Applied Research and Education Center. King, Brayden G., Elisabeth S. Clemens and Melissa S. Fry. 2011.
  • "Institutional Sources of Differentiation: The Emergence of Identities in Arizona's Charter Schools." Organization Science 22(3) May-June. Bailey, Jason and Melissa Fry Konty. November 2011.
  • The College Affordability Crunch in Kentucky: Meeting the Costs of College in an Era of Eroding State Support. Berea, KY: Kentucky Center for Economic Policy. Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED). 2010.
  • Investing in Kentucky’s Working Families: A Path to Shared Prosperity in the Commonwealth. Berea, KY: MACED. Melissa S. Fry was co-investigator. Kentucky Coalition for Responsible Lending. 2010.
  • The Debt Trap in the Commonwealth. Frankfort, KY: KCRL. Melissa S. Fry was Primary Investigator. Fry, Melissa S. 2009.
  • “Becoming Victims, Becoming Citizens: A History of Women as Victims in Criminal Law.” Women and Crime, edited by Vanessa Garcia and Janice Clifford. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Fry Konty, Melissa and Jason Bailey. 2009.
  • The Impact of Coal on the Kentucky State Budget. Berea, KY: Mountain Association for Community Economic Development. Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED). 2009.
  • The Economics of Coal in Kentucky: Current Impacts and Future Prospects. Berea, KY: MACED. Melissa S. Fry was co-investigator. Fry Konty, Melissa and Jonathan Harrison. 2008.
  • Financially Sustainable Child Care in Eastern Kentucky. Berea, KY: Mountain Association for Community Economic Development. Fry, Melissa S. 2008.
  • “Childcare Policy.” Battleground Series: The Family, edited by Kim Brackett. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Fry, Melissa S. 2001.
  • “Dormant Statutes and the Legal Concept of Desuetude.” Legal Reference Services Quarterly 20(4): 67-84.

Gritter, Elizabeth

View Elizabeth Gritter's biography.

  • Gritter, Elizabeth. River of Hope: Black Politics and the Memphis Freedom Movement, 1865-1954, Civil Rights and the Struggle for Black Equality in the Twentieth Century Series, edited by Steven F. Lawson and Cynthia G. Fleming (University Press of Kentucky, February 2014).
  • Gritter, Elizabeth. “A Matter of Black and White: Edmund Orgill, J. E. Walker, and the John Gaston Hospital Controversy in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1956,” Tennessee Historical Quarterly (Fall 2019)
  • Gritter, Elizabeth. “New Frontiers for Black Memphians: The Shelby County Democratic Club, the Kennedy Administration, and the Quest for Black Political Power, 1959-1964,” in An Unseen Light: Black Freedom Struggles in Memphis, Tennessee, edited by Aram Goudsouzian and Charles McKinney (University Press of Kentucky, March 2018).
  • Elizabeth Gritter, “Maxine Smith: Early Civil Rights Activism in Memphis and Tennessee’s Tent Cities,” The West Tennessee Historical Society Papers, Volume LXXVI (2022).
  • Elizabeth Gritter, "Heroes of the Memphis Civil Rights Movement," Heroism Science Vol. 9, Issue 1 (2024). Special Issue - Heroism Science Conference, Tauranga New Zealand. Available to read here:

Gugin, Linda

  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair, eds. 2011. The Justices of the Indiana Supreme Court. Indiana Historical Society.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair, eds. 2006. The Governors of Indiana. Indiana Historical Society Press.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair. 2002. Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky: A Political Biography. University Press of Kentucky.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair. eds. 1997. Sherman Minton: New Deal Senator, Cold War Justice. Indiana University Press.
  • Baker, Mary Anne, Linda Gugin, and Marcia Segal. 1980. Women Today: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Women’s Studies. Brooks/Cole Publishing.

Hare, Sara

View Sara Hare's biography.

  • 2019  Sara C. Hare and Courtney Hoke. Gender Disparity and Stereotypes in Popular Children’s Animated Films. International Journal of Gender and Women’s Studies 7(1): 1-14.
  • 2017 Ranida Harris & Sara Hare. “Why Should I Click That Button?: Techniques for Teaching Concepts Supported by Software Tools.” In 2017 Proceedings, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference. 31-33.
  • 2017  Hare, Sara C. “Still No Jetpacks or Gender Parity: Animated Film from 1980-2016.” Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences 20: 50- 63.
  • 2014 Garman, Aubrey and Hare, Sara C. Final Report: Safe Dating Program Assessment, 2013-2014 for Jefferson County, Indiana Turning Point Domestic Violence Services.
  • 2012 Hare, Sara C. and Vivanco, Anita. Final Report: Safe Dating Program Assessment, Fall 2012 for Jefferson County, Indiana Turning Point Domestic Violence Services.
  • 2011 Hare, Sara C. and Brown, Alexandra. Final Report: Safe Dating Program Assessment, Fall 2011 for Jefferson County, Indiana Turning Point Domestic Violence Services.
  • 2010 Hare, Sara C. “Intimate partner violence: Victims’ opinions about going to trial.” Journal of Family Violence 25(8): 765-776.
  • 2007 Hare, Sara C. “Coding Open-ended Responses: Battered Women’s Opinions on Prosecution.” In Teaching About Family Violence: A Collection of Instructional Materials. 4th edition. Edited by Barbara Keating. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
  • 2006 Hare, Sara C. “But What Do Battered Women Want?:  Victims’ Opinions on Prosecution.” Violence and Victims 21(5): 611-628.
  • 2006 Hare, Sara C. and Robert C. Lennartz. “Using The Simpsons to Illustrate Family-Work Concepts” In Teaching Work and Family: Strategies, Activities, and Syllabi. Edited by Stephen Sweet and Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes.  Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
  • 2005 Hare, Sara C. and Megan S. Willman. Book Review of Egalia’s Daughters: A Satire of the Sexes. In Teaching Sociology 33(3): 337-338.
  • 2005 Hare, Sara C. “Using The Simpsons to Teach Gender Issues” In Teaching Sociological Concepts and the Sociology of Gender, 2nd edition.  Edited by Marybeth C. Stalp and Julie Childers. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
  • 2004 Hare, Sara C.   “Last Will and Testament of a Slave-owner” In Teaching About Families: A Collection of Essays, Syllabi, Projects, and Assignments. Edited by Ginger Macheski, Kathleen Lowney, Michael Capece, Kate Warner, and Martha Laughlin. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association.
  • 2003 Hare, Sara C. “Beauty and the Beast.” In Teaching About Family Violence: A Collection of Instructional Materials. 3rd edition. Edited by Barbara Keating and Amy Skatter. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association: 87-90.
  • 2002 Hare, Sara C.  The Victim-Defendant Relationship and Victims’ Opinions of the Prosecutorial Steps. Unpublished Dissertation, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
  • 1999 Hare, Sara C., Walter R. Jacobs and Jean Harold Shin. “Entering the Classroom from the Other Side: The Life and Times of Graduate Associate Instructors.” in Bernice Pescosolido and Ronald Aminzade, eds., Teaching for the 21st Century: Understanding and Rebuilding the Social Worlds of Higher Education. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. 503-512.
  • 1999 Hare, Sara C. “Using E-Mail to Promote Cross-Cultural Understandings of Families.” Teaching Sociology 27: 67-73.
  • 1998 Hare, Sara C.  Video Reviews. In Resource Materials for Teaching about Family Violence, 2nd edition. Edited by Barbara Keating. Washington, DC: American Sociological Association. 160-162.
  • 1997 Hare, Sara C.  Sociology of the Family: A Learning Guide. Indiana University School of Continuing Studies, Division of Extended Studies.
  • 1997 Hare, Sara C.  Review of Public and Private Families: An Introduction by Andrew Cherlin.  Teaching Sociology 25: 252-254.

Hilgeman, Sherri

  • Hilgeman, Sherri. 2000. Pottery and Chronology at Angel. University of Alabama Press.

Jenks, Richard

  • Jenks, Richard. 2003. Divorce, Annulments and the Catholic Church: Healing or Hurtful.Haworth Press.

Kordsmeier, Gregory

  • Medley-Rath, Stephanie, and Gregory T. Kordsmeier, eds. 2023. The Teaching Sociology Playbook.
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. 2021. North Central Sociological Association 2020: John F. Schnabel Teaching Address: Practicing What We Preach: Inclusive Pedagogy and the Sociology Classroom. Sociological Focus 54(4): 264-272.
  • Oslawski-Lopez, Jamie, and Gregory Kordsmeier. 2021. Being Able to Listen Makes Me Feel More Engaged: Best Practices for Using Podcasts as Readings. Teaching Sociology 49(4): 335–47.
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. 2021. Chapter 14: Prioritizing Health & Health Care Inequalities. Social Problems in Action.
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. 2018. Social Forces and Decision-Making by Gatekeepers in Arts Organizations. Sociology Compass 12(7).
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. 2017 The Importance of Seeming Earnest: Emotion Work and Leadership in Theatre Worlds. Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences 20:64-81.
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. 2017 How Support Personnel Shape Artworks: The Case of Stage Managers. Music and Arts in Action 6(1):48-62.

Kramer, Carl

  • Kramer, Carl. 2009. Reflections on the Past, Focused on the Future: A Commemorative History of New Hope Services. New Hope Services and Sunnyside Press.
  • Kramer, Carl. 2008. The Brandeis Century: Constant Values in Changing Times. Bramco Inc. and Sunnyside Press.
  • Kramer, Carl. 2007. This Place We Call Home: A History of Clark County, Indiana. Indiana University Press.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1999. Visionaries, Adventurers and Builders: Historical Highlights of the Falls of the Ohio. Jeffersonville, Indiana: Sunnyside Press.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1998. From Family Business to Community Stewardship: A History of Atlas Machine and Supply, Inc. Atlas Machine Publisher.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1997. Pride in the Past, Faith in the Future: A History of the Michigan Livestock Exchange, 1922-1997. Michigan Livestock Exchange.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1990. Sellersburg: A Century of Change 1892-1990. Sellersburg Centennial Commission.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1986. Capital on the Kentucky: A 200 Year History of Frankfort and Franklin County. Historic Frankfort, Inc.
  • Kramer, Carl. 1984. Drovers, Dealers and Dreamers: 150 Years at Bourbon Stockyards 1834-1984. Bourbon Stock Yards.

LaFollette, Kimberly

View Kimberly LaFollette's biography.

  • LaFollette, K. (2020). When All Else Fails, Turn to Wonder. Natural Living Journal, 5 (4), 5.
  • LaFollette, K. (2020). Supporting Our Emotional Stability with Purpose and Predictability. Natural Living Journal, 5 (3), 8-9.
  • LaFollette, K., Lambert, W., & Cotton, J. (2020). Men In Appalachia: Considerations for Counselors. In D. Singh Sandu (Ed.), Appalachian Americans: Issues and Concerns For Counseling and Psychotherapy. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science.
  • LaFollette, K. (2020). Is Inflammation Causing Your Depression? Natural Living Journal ,5(1), 7.
  • LaFollette, K. (2020, April). Dealing With Disappointment: Allow Your Child to Grieve. Today’s Woman Magazine, 20.

Medina, Veronica

View Veronica Medina's biography.

  • Dahlgren, Donna J. and Veronica E. Medina (Eds.). 2020. The College Success Guide. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press/Top Hat.
  • Medina, Veronica E. and Priya Dua. 2018. “Ch. 24: The Promises and Pitfalls of Microfinance in Pakistani Women’s Lives.” In Women of Asia: Globalization, Development, and Gender Equity by Mehrangiz Najafizadeh and Linda Lindsey (Eds.). New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Kordsmeier, Gregory T. and Veronica E. Medina. 2018. “The Effect of Reading Guides on Reading Compliance and Comprehension.” Pgs. 25-29 in the Proceedings of the 2018 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Conference, Institute of Teaching and Learning Excellence, Indiana University Southeast.
  • Dahlgren, Donna J. and Veronica E. Medina (Eds.). 2017. The College Success Guide. Southlake, TX: Fountainhead Press.
  • Medina Veronica E. 2016. “QHTLC-008 Promoting Engagement and Accountability with Profiles and Notifications.” In Quick Hits on Teaching and Learning with Canvas: Faculty-Tested, Peer-Reviewed Strategies, edited by Gavrin, Andy, J. LaFuze, R. Morgan, A. Morrone, M. Morrone, and K. Wendeln. Indiana University FACET.
  • Medina Veronica E. 2016. “QHTLC-008 Appendix Canvas Set-Up Assignment, Pt. 1 & Pt. 2.” In Quick Hits on Teaching and Learning with Canvas: Faculty-Tested, Peer-Reviewed Strategies, edited by Gavrin, Andy, J. LaFuze, R. Morgan, A. Morrone, M. Morrone, and K. Wendeln. Indiana University FACET.
  • Medina, Veronica E. 2015. “Book Review of Sudhir Venkatesh’s Floating City: A Rogue Sociologist Lost and Found in New York’s Underground Economy.” Teaching Sociology 44(1): 52-54.
  • Flores, Lisa Y., Monique M. Mendoza, Lizette Ojeda, Yuhong He, Rocio Rosales Meza, Veronica Medina, Julie Wagner Ladehoff, and Shiloh Jordan. 2011. “A Qualitative Inquiry of Latino Immigrants’ Work Experiences in the Midwest.”  Journal of Counseling Psychology 58(4): 522-536.
  • Hetzler, Olivia; Veronica E. Medina; and David Overfelt. 2007. “Race, Immigration, and Restructuring in New Urbanism:  New Orleans as a Case Study.”  Sociation Today:  The Official Online Journal of the North Carolina Sociological Association, 5(1).
  • Hetzler, Olivia; Veronica E. Medina; and David Overfelt. 2006. “Gentrification, Displacement, and New Urbanism:  The Next Racial Project.”  Sociation Today: The Official Online Journal of the North Carolina Sociological Association, 4(2).

Morgan, Robin

View Robin Morgan's biography.


  • Wohlfarth, D., & Morgan, R. K. (2017). Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology (2nd Ed.). Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., Olivares, K. T., & Becker, J. (Eds.). (2015). Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Olivares, K. T. (2012). Quick Hits for Teaching with Technology: Successful Strategies by Award Winning Teachers. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
  • Frantz, S., Morgan, R., & Yanchus, N. (2009). Psychological Science (3rd Ed): Instructor’s Resource Manual. New York: Norton & Company.
  • Morgan, David L. and Robin K. Morgan. 2009. Single-Case Research Methods for the Behavioral and Health Sciences. Sage.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2007). Abnormal Psychology Instructor’s Manual: Short Version. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2006). Abnormal Psychology Instructor’s Manual. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
  • Cordell, R.M., B. Lucal and Robin Morgan, eds. 2004. Quick Hits for New Faculty: Successful Strategies by Successful Teachers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, Robin K. 1999. Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. Prentice-Hall.


  • Lach, P. A., Russell, L. M., & Morgan, R. K. (2022). Power Users and the CTL: What we learned about filtered informal learning in the time of COVID. Journal on Centers for Teaching and Learning, 14
  • Lach, P., Russell, L., & Morgan, R. K. (2021). All Aboard! Getting Faculty Mobilized for Emergency Online Teaching. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 10(1), 142-152.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2019). Five-step process for teaching critical thinking. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2019). Engaging critical thinking in online discussions. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2019). What flavor are your questions? In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2019). Making it relevant: Building online discussions. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Cooper, A. G. Mitchell, N. G., & Morgan, R. K. (2019). Role plays: Sometimes awkward, but very often effective. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., Morgan, R. K., & Cooper, A. G. (2019). If you can teach it, you probably are thinking critically about it. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Cooper, A. G., Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. (2019). Let’s have a discussion. In C. Sweet, H. Blythe, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with Critical Thinking: A Step-by-Step Guide. New Forums Press.
  • Richmond, A. S., Morgan, R. K., Slattery, J. M., Mitchell, N. G., & Cooper, G. A. (2019). Project Syllabus: An exploratory study of learner-centered syllabi. Teaching of Psychology, 46, 6-15. doi:10.1177/0098628318816129
  • Trammell, B.A., Morgan, R.K., Davies, W., Rutherford, M., & Herold, D. (2018). Creating an online course shell: Strategies to mitigate frustration and increase student success across multiple campuses. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 4(3), 164-180.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2018). A case of their own. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with High Impact Practices (Volume 11). New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2018). Developing collegial relationships with undergraduate research students. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with High Impact Practices (Volume 11). New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2018). Getting rid of the research paper. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with High Impact Practices (Volume 11). New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2018). One size doesn't fit all. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with High Impact Practices (Volume 11). New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., & Morgan, R. K. (2018). Changing lives and minds: A win-win. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with High Impact Practices (Volume 11). New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2017). Getting engaged in a SoTL community: Project Syllabus as an example from psychology. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with SoTL: A Step-By-Step Guide (Volume 10). New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., & Morgan, R. K. (2017). Read and replicate: Two necessary activities for teaching and SoTL excellence. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with SoTL: A Step-By-Step Guide (Volume 10). New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., & Morgan, R. K. (2017). Teaching tips as a means of SoTL scholarship: Yes, write some tips like the ones you are reading now!" In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with SoTL: A Step-By-Step Guide (Volume 10). New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., & Morgan, R. K. (2017). Why not study syllabi? Conduct high quality research on what you already know and do. In H. Blythe, C. Sweet, and R. Carpenter (Eds.), It Works for Me with SoTL: A Step-By-Step Guide (Volume 10). New Forums Press.
  • Richmond, A. S., Slattery, J. M., Mitchell, N. G., Morgan, R. K., & Becknell, J. (2016). Can a learner-centered syllabus change student's perceptions of student-professor rapport and master teacher behaviors? Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 2(3), 159-168.
  • Gavrin, A., LaFuze, J., Morgan, R., Morrone, A., Morrone, M., & Wendelin, K. (2016). Quick Hits on Teaching and Learning with Canvas. FACET.
  • Kern, B., Mettetal, G., Dixson, M., & Morgan, R.K. (2015). The role of SoTL in the academy: Upon the 25th anniversary of Boyer’s Scholarship Reconsidered. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(3), 1-14.
  • Mitchell, N. G., Wyrick, A., Morgan, R. K., & Chapman, S. (2015). Now that I flipped, what do I do with all this class time? In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. New Forums Press.
  • Mitchell, N. G., Chapman, S., & Morgan, R. K. (2015). Flipping assessment in the flipped classroom: Using Bloom’s Taxonomy as a guide. In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. New Forums Press.
  • Chapman, S., Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2015). Creating a personal welcome for your flipped class. In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. New Forums Press.
  • Chapman, S., Morgan, R. K., & Mitchell, N. G. (2015). Flipping your syllabus. In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., Mitchell, N. G., & Chapman, S. (2015). To flip or not to flip: Is that my only choice? In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., Mitchell, N. G., & Chapman, S. (2015). Gradual approach to flipping. In H. Blythe & C. Sweet (Eds.), It works for me, Flipping the classroom. Stillwater, OK: New Forums Press.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Olivares, K. T. (2015). Active learning strategies. In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2015). Peer Review: It’s not just for tenure. In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2015). Flipping the classroom. In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2015). Reduce time spent grading: Use rubrics! In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2015). Doing it right the first time: Universal design of course materials. In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2015). Are student learning outcomes really necessary? In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Olivares, K. T., & Morgan, R. K. (2015). Leading classroom discussions. In R. K. Morgan, K. T. Olivares, & J. Becker (Eds.), Quick Hits: Teaching strategies for adjunct faculty and lecturers. Indiana University Press.
  • Slattery, J. M., Haney, M., Mitchell, N., Morgan, R. K., & Richmond, A. (2014). Read the d*** syllabus! PS Blog.
  • Morgan, R. K., Hunter, S., & Bertrand, A. (2013). Student stalking of faculty: Potential gaps in campus faculty development efforts. Journal of Faculty Development, 27(3), 17-21.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Ball, K. (2012). Student stalking of faculty: Impact on faculty behaviors in the classroom. Psychology Journal, 9(2), 66-72.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Olivares, K. T. (2012). Invited Foreword. In C. Gunn (Ed.), Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in the United Arab Emirates: Reflections from the Classroom. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Kavanaugh, K. D. (2011). Student stalking of faculty: Results of a nationwide survey. The College Student Journal, 45(3), 512-523.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2010). Book review: The online teaching survival guide: Simple and practical pedagogical tips. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 10(3), 145-146.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2010). Students stalking faculty: Real and imagined relationships. Sexuality and Culture, 14(1), 5-16. doi: 10.1007/s12119-009- 9062-1 *Invited
  • Morgan, R. K. (2009). Student stalking of faculty: Impact and prevalence. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 9(2), 98-116.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2008). Exploring the pedagogical effectiveness of clickers. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 3, 31-36.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2007). Coping skills. In W.F. Buskist, & S.F. Davis (Eds.), 21st Century Psychology: A Reference Handbook. Sage Publications, Inc.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Morgan, D. L. (2006). Writing in psychology. In W. F. Buskist, & S. Davis (Eds.). The Handbook of the Teaching of Psychology. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing.
  • Morgan, R. K. (2004). On staying sane in academia. In R.M. Cordell, B. Lucal, & R. K. Morgan (Eds.), Quick Hits for New Faculty: Successful Strategies by Experienced Teachers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. (2003). Single-participant research design: Bringing science to managed care. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research, Third Edition. (pp. 635-654). American Psychological Association.
  • Morgan, D. L., & Morgan, R. K. (2001). Single-participant research design: Bringing science to managed care. American Psychologist, 56, 119–127.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Morgan, D. L. (1998). Critical thinking and belief in the paranormal. College Student Journal, 32, 135-139.
  • Morgan, R. K. (1998).  Developing solid arguments. In H. Stocking, E. Bender, C. Cookman, J. Peterson, & R. Votaw (Eds.), More Quick Hits: Successful Strategies by Award Winning Teachers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, R. K. (1994). Understanding sources. In E. Bender, M Dunn, B. Kendall, C. Larson, & P. Wilkes (Eds.), Quick Hits: Successful Strategies by Award Winning Teachers. Indiana University Press.
  • Morgan, D. L., Morgan, R. K., & Toth, J. M. (1992). Variation and selection: The evolutionary analogy and the convergence of cognitive and behavioral psychology. The Behavior Analyst, 15, 129-138.
  • Uveges, J. M., Parker, J. C., Smarr, K. L., McGowan, J. F., Lyon, M. G., Irvin, W.S., Meyer, A. A., Buckelew, S. P., Morgan, R. K., Delmonico, R. L., Hewett, J. E., & Kay, D. R. (1990). Psychological symptoms in primary fibromyalgia syndrome: Relationship to pain, life stress, and sleep disturbance. Arthritis and Rheumatism, 33, 1279-1283.
  • Morgan, R. K., & Doerfler, L. A. (1989). Behavioral therapy or Family Systems Therapy? A case study in the treatment of adolescent obesity. The Behavior Therapist, 12, 122, 138.

Newman, John

  • Aitpaeva, Gulnara and John Newman, eds. 2007. Mazar Worship in Kyrgyzstan: Rituals and Practitioners in Talas. Algine Research Center, the Christiansen Fund.

Pelle, Kim D.

View Kim Pelle's biography.

  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. Encyclopedia of the Modern Olympic Movement. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. Encyclopedia of World's Fairs and Expositions. McFarland.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. 1990. Historical Dictionary of World's Fairs and Expositions. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Kim Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995), eds. 1996. Historical Dictionary of the Modern Olympic Movement. Greenwood.
  • Rydell, Robert, John E. Findling and Kimberly D. Pelle (BA Political Science, 1995). 2000. Fair America: World's Fairs in the United States. Smithsonian Institution.

Sloss, G. Sam

  • Philliber, S.G, M. R. Schwab and G. Sam Sloss. 1980. Social Research: Guides to a Decision-Making Process. Peacock Publishing.

Segal, Marcia

  • Segal, Marcia, ed. 1994. Ethnic Women: A Multiple Status Reality. General Hall.
  • Baker, Mary Anne, Linda Gugin, and Marcia Segal. 1980. Women Today: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Women’s Studies. Brooks/Cole Publishing.

St. Clair, Jim

  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair, eds. 2011. The Justices of the Indiana Supreme Court. Indiana Historical Society.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair, eds. 2006. The Governors of Indiana. Indiana Historical Society Press.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair. 2002. Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson of Kentucky: A Political Biography. University Press of Kentucky.
  • Gugin, Linda and Jim St. Clair. eds. 1997. Sherman Minton: New Deal Senator, Cold War Justice. Indiana University Press.

Staten, Clifford

View Clifford Staten's biography.

  • Staten, Clifford L. 2015. The History of Cuba, 2nd Edition. Santa Barbara: Greenwood an Imprint of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
  • Staten, Clifford L. 2010. The History of Nicaragua. Greenwood.
  • Staten, Clifford L. 2003. The History of Cuba. Greenwood. (paperback published in 2005 by Palgrave)

Thackeray, Frank

  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1993. Statesmen Who Changed the World. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds, 2004. Events That Changed Great Britain from 1066 to 1714. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 2002. Events That Changed Great Britain Since 1689. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 2001. Events That Changed the World through the 16th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 2000. Events That Changed America through the 17th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1999. Events That Changed the World in the 17th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1998. Events That Changed America in the 18th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1998. Events That Changed the World in the 18th Century.Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1997. Events That Changed America in the 19th Century. Greenwood.
  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1996. Events That Changed America in the 20th Century. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank and John Findling, eds. 1996. Events That Changed the World in the 20th Century.Greenwood.
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  • Findling, John and Frank Thackeray, eds. 1993. Statesmen Who Changed the World. Greenwood.
  • Thackeray, Frank. 1980. Antecedents of Revolution: Alexander I and the Polish Kingdom, 1815-1825. Columbia University Press.

Wert, Joe

View Joe Wert's biography.

  • Wert, Joe. 2003. A Study of Bill Clinton's Presidential Approval Ratings. Edwin Mellen Press.

Wille, Diane

View Diane Wille's biography.

  • Mamatova, M. & Wille, D. (2019) Cross-Cultural Study of Historical Effects on Emotional Intelligence Among Young Adults. Psychology Research, 9 (6), doi:10.17265/2159-5542/2019.06.001
  • Wille, D. (2018). Emotional intelligence. In M. Bornstein (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  • *Hardin, J. & Wille, D (2017). The Homeless Individual’s Viewpoint: Causes of Homelessness and Resources needed to leave the Sheltered Environment. Social Work and Social Science Review, 19(2), 33-48.
  • Wille, D. E, & Manson, T. M. (2017). How to put on a successful conference showcasing student research and creativity.
  • In R. L. Miller & T. Collette (Eds.) Teaching Tips: A Compendium of Conference Presentations on Teaching, 2015-16. Retrieved from the Society for the Teaching of Psychology.
  • Mamatova, M. & Wille, D. (2012). Cross-Cultural Study of Emotional Expression: The Problem of Alexithymia. Psychology Research, 2(9), 196-200.
  • Wille, D. (2010). Using the Family Systems Model to investigate the relation between parental sensitivity and infant attachment. Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, 14,103-116.
  • Mamatova, M. & Wille, D. (2010). Pedagogical Changes in Curricula in Higher Education in Central Asia. Journal of US-China Public Administration, 7, 86-90.
  • *Wheatley, M. and Wille, D. (2009). Changes in parents’ stress as their children become adolescents: A validation of the stress index for parents of adolescents. Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research 14, 121-128.
  • Wille, D., Taliaferro, G., *Mehl, S., *Webster, A., and Wyndham, S. (2008). The importance of infant-parent relationship to the formation of the child-parent relationship. Journal of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, 12,110-124.
  • Dahlgren, D., Wille, D., Finkel, D. & *Burger, T. (2005). Will active learning techniques enhance learning and increase persistence of Introductory Psychology Freshmen Students? Journal of the First-Year Experience & Students in Transition, 17, 49-65.

Wolf, Thomas P.

  • Wolf, Thomas P., William Pederson and Byron Daynes, eds. 2001. Franklin D. Roosevelt and Congress: The New Deal and its Aftermath. M.E. Sharpe.
  • Wolf, Thomas P. 1974. An Annotated Bibliography of New Mexico State Politics 1959-1974. University of New Mexico Press.

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