Study Abroad in Sweden

Course Numbers

Choose one course

  • PSY-P 454 - Field Research in International Psychology
  • PSY-P 606 - Graduate Elective in Psychology
  • NURS-Z 492 - Individual Study in Nursing
  • NURS-J 692 - Independent Study in Nursing

Admission Criteria

  • You are eligible for student status at IU Southeast and/or a sophomore or above at another IU campus or your respective university by the summer of 2023.
  • Have approximately a 2.70 cumulative GPA and making normal academic progress.

Estimated costs

Fees paid to IU (round-trip airfare, room, most meals, in-country transportation, excursions, workshops, health insurance) Indiana resident & nonresident: $3,350 + 3 credits of tuition.

Financial aid and scholarships may be used to defray some of the expenses. Additional details, scholarship information, and an application link will be available soon.

Housing varies by sites:

  • Holiday villages
  • Some hotels
  • Group accommodations

For more information, send an email to Dr. Deborah Finkel in Psychology at, or Dr. Carla Hermann in Nursing at