Study Abroad in the Philippines

Study Abroad in the Philippines

The IU Southeast School of Education Study Abroad Program in the Philippines aims to provide international experiential learning experience for IU students by providing opportunities to visit, observe, teach lessons to selected K-12 classes and communities, and learn about the educational systems in the Philippines and India.

The mission of the program is to provide global education for students to appreciate diverse perspectives, understand the connections they have to the wider world, effectively communicate and collaborate across cultures and countries, and use knowledge to investigate and act on issues that matter to them and the wider world.

Two locations of main activities

  • Bulok-Bulokan Elementary School, Culion, Palawan, Philippines
  • Manila, Philippines

Overview of Itinerary

In the Philippines, the group will go straight to the elementary school in Culion, Palawan. This community engagement is in partnership with the College of Education of the University of the Philippines (UP) in Diliman, Quezon City, our host university in the Philippines. 

There will be cultural exploration in the nearby islands and in Manila.

Important dates

The course, EDUC-H427/EDUC-H553, starts on June 23 and ends on Aug 1, 2025. The class travels to the Philippines from July 5 – 19, 2025 and travel back to US on July 19 or 20, 2025. Pre-departure online class activities start on June 23rd. At least two in-person/virtual pre-departure orientations are required a few months before classes start.

The maximum number of participants is 10.

Eligibility of student participants

  • Education major
  • Student status at IU Southeast by summer 2025
  • Must be enrolled in either of the following courses for 3-credit hours, EDUC-H553: Travel Study or EDUC-H427: Education through Travel. Both courses will be offered as crosslisted courses for graduate and undergraduate students, starts on June 23 and ends on August 1, 2025.
  • Must pass background check required for programs involving children

Course Learning Objectives

To demonstrate educational travel experience in the Philippines, a successful student will:

  1. Use pedagogical principles in the planning, teaching, management, and evaluation of learning processes, focusing on English Learners.
  2. Demonstrate effective cross-cultural communication.
  3. Manifest leadership skills in at least one teaching-learning experience, either in formal or informal educational settings.
  4. Identify and reflect on aspects of the Filipino culture that need to be considered when interacting with people and when educating children.
    1. Write a reflection paper about the people, the culture, the education system, and the environment in the Philippines.
  5. Apply awareness of international perspectives linking educational, cultural and social processes.

Overview of Assessment of Learning

Two aspects of student performance will be assessed:

  • professional dispositions
  • academic performance

Refer to the specific School of Education teaching dispositions, to the IU International Program guidelines, and to the course assessment rubric in the syllabus for more information.

Professional dispositions – Students are expected to participate in all planned activities, remain open to new people, ideas, places, and experiences; be flexible and adapt well to change; respect other people and their points of view; be a positive and supportive team player, and work as productive team members and exemplary representatives for the Indiana University Southeast, School of Education.

Estimated Cost

Tuition fees for 3-credit hours, including course fee for travel abroad

Pocket money$200
Hotel close to Manila airport (3 nights)$300
Lodging in Culion, Palawan (4 nights)$400
Hotel in India (7 nights)$600
Meal – 14 days x $40560 (including travel days – airport
food or snack)
Island tour/recreation in the Philippines & India$100 (approximate cost)
Private Van and other means of transportation$100 (approximate cost)
Total$4260 (total approximate cost, tuition
and other course fees are not included yet)

Reserve your spot

For more information, send an email to Faye Camahalan at