Intercultural Competence Development in France
P454 Field Experience in International Psychology
Summer I Session (June 2020)
Students will travel June 2–23, 2020, through Central and Southern France, as well as Paris. The goal is to develop cultural awareness while learning about the history, art, culture, gastronomy, geography, business and traditions of France.
- No pre-req or linguistic proficiency necessary.
- Open to all majors.
- Students who register for P454 receive 4 credits in upper level (International psych.) course.
- 8–14 students will be accepted.
IU Bicentennial Reception in Paris on June 19, 2020
You may apply if you meet the following criteria.
- Are eligible for student status at IU Southeast and/or be of sophomore or above standing at another IU campus or your respective university by the summer of 2020.
- Have approximately a 2.70 cumulative GPA and making normal academic progress.
Estimated Costs
Fees paid to IU* (round-trip airfare, room, most meals, in-country transportation, excursions, workshops, health insurance) Indiana resident & nonresident $5,526 + 4 credits of tuition. *fees include special subsidy provided by the Office of the Bicentennial to lower the cost for student participants.
Financial aid and scholarships may be used to defray some of the expenses. Additional details, scholarship information and application link will be available soon.
Housing varies by sites: holiday villages, some hotels, group accommodations.