Learn about the Marine and Rainforest ecology and wildlife of Belize during the semester and then travel from approximately April 28 – May 9 to look for wildlife in Belize.
Visit some of the best marine and rainforest parks in Belize
Spring 2023
Approximately April 28-May 9, 2023 (Finals Week)
$3,200-$3,500 (dependent upon airfare) + Tuition for the class
- Open to all majors and students
- No pre-requisites or linguistic proficiency is necessary
Spring 2023
The itinerary for the trip to Belize includes:
- One night at the Belize Zoo, which has a native species collection, for a night walk and a morning bird walk.
- Travel to Halfmoon Atoll, where we will spend four nights glamping on this island. Halfmoon Atoll contains some of the best diving/snorkeling in the Caribbean Sea.
- Four nights at the Bocawina Rainforest Resort, during which we will be going on hikes (including night hikes) to look for wildlife.
Course Number
BIOL-L 303 - Field Biology
Admission Criteria
- You are eligible for student status at IU Southeast and/or a sophomore or above at another IU campus or your respective university by the summer of 2023.
- Have approximately a 2.70 cumulative GPA and making normal academic progress.

For more information, send an email to Dr. Omar Attum in Biology at oattum@iu.edu.