Violations & Citations

Sometimes citations happen. No one likes to receive a parking citation, but it can happen to the best of us. If you do get a citation, it's important to address it promptly. Familiarize yourself with IU parking rules and our tips to avoid a citation so you can be informed when parking on campus in the future.

Received a parking citation? You can pay it or appeal.

Pay or appeal citation

Parking violations

These regulations are internal administrative regulations of the University and do not replace state laws or municipal ordinances. Violations 10 and 11 are subject to tow or immobilization without warning in addition to a fine. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

  1. Line Straddling. Any vehicle parking across lines in designated spaces thereby taking up more than one parking space or prohibiting use of the adjacent space by another vehicle.
  2. Parking facing opposite traffic flow (where angled parking is provided or parallel parking along streets).
  3. Improper display of permit. Only current, valid permits may be displayed; permit must be hanging from the rearview mirror. Permit number, barcode and expiration date must be visible.
  4. No valid permit displayed. Required in all permit lots.
  5. Parking in posted or marked areas. No parking zones, yellow curbs, fire hydrant or fire lane, marked areas, crosswalk, blocking a drive or another vehicle, tow zone, exceeding posted time limits or otherwise prohibited by signs.
  6. Parking in an area other than the type authorized by the permit displayed. Example “ST” permit in “EM” or “Service” zone or “EM” permit in a “Service” zone.
  7. Displaying a counterfeit or altered permit.
  8. Displaying a fraudulently obtained permit. Person does not meet the qualifications of obtaining the permit or permit has been reported lost or stolen.
  9. Using an old ticket to circumvent parking regulations. Having a ticket on the windshield that has been obtained in a different location, on a different day or on a different car in an attempt to not receive another one.
  10. Parking in a reserved space without proper permit displayed.
  11. Parking in a disabled space without proper permit, disabled placard or disabled license plate.
  12. Moving violation. Speeding, disregarding traffic controls or violations of state motor vehicle laws.

Effective July 1, 2015, the following fines for parking violations are in effect on the IU Southeast campus:

Violation CodeViolation DescriptionSoutheast
1Improper Display of Permit$20.00
3Parked Beyond Time Limit**$20.00
4Parked on Landscape$25.00
5Parked on Crosswalk/Sidewalk$25.00
6Parked On/Over Stall Marker$20.00
7Parked in Wrong Area/Zone$20.00
8No Valid Permit Displayed$20.00
11Posted No Parking$25.00
14Parked on Yellow Curb$25.00
15Parked in Fire Lane/15 Feet of Hydrant$30.00
16Parked in Restricted/Reserved Space$25.00
17Parked in Disabled Space/Aisle$50.00
18Fraudulent Permit Displayed$100.00
19Altered/Counterfeit Permit Displayed$100.00
23Parked on Hash Marks$10.00
**Examples: 10, 15, 20 & 30 Minute Parking

Right to appeal citations

Appeals must be filed in writing online on the IU Parking website

The Appeals Committee is an independent group of students, faculty and staff. They will read the appeal and decide if the violation should be upheld or the appeal should be granted. The board shall consist of three (3) student members chosen by the SGA, one (1) faculty member chosen by the Faculty Senate and one (1) staff member chosen by the Staff Council. It is not necessary that the members of this group be members of the SGA, Faculty Senate, or Staff Council.

The appellant will be notified by university email of the Appeals Committee’s decision. The decision of the Appeals Committee is final.

If you would like a printable PDF version of IU Southeast's parking regulations, email us at