
The Master of Science in Education (M.S.Ed.) with a major in counseling consists of 48 credit hours of coursework and practica. It is completed in two and one half years.

Please note: More than 40 states do NOT require school counselors to be a licensed certified teacher; Indiana and Kentucky do NOT require school counselors to be licensed certified teachers either. However, Jefferson County (Ky.) Public Schools (JCPS) does require their school counselors to be certified teachers with 3 years of classroom teaching experience OR to have prior experience working as a school counselor. Candidates are responsible for contacting JCPS directly to find out more about their specific policies. To learn more about the Kentucky Standards, candidates should check the Kentucky EPSB-Guidance Counselor Certification website. For information about other state certification requirements, candidates should check the American School Counselor Association website.

Below you will find some general information and expectations about the School Counseling Program, and particularly the Clinical Cohort. You will find information regarding course requirements including the requirements of practicum (G524) and internship (G550).

General Expectations

The cohort program represents a two-year commitment each candidate is making to their education and to their cohort colleagues. Once admitted to the clinical cohort, all candidates are expected to meet all program requirements including but not limited to:

  • class attendance & timeliness
  • homework and in-class work
  • group projects
  • practicum and internship demands
  • attendance at regional or state conferences

Additionally, candidates are expected to meet professional dispositions, which include but are not limited to:

  • putting forth time & effort into this program
  • being punctual and dependable
  • willingness to accept feedback and differing opinions
  • personal & professional reflection
  • sensitivity to and acceptance of diversity
  • professional attire & communication with professors, peers & school professionals
  • other professional behaviors and attitude

License Eligibility

Students who complete the M.S. in Education with the Counseling major are approved for the Indiana License and the Kentucky License as a School Counselor, K-12. More than 40 states do not require teaching certification to be a school counselor. Students should check the website of the American School Counselor Association: to determine certification qualifications for other states. Completing the School Counseling program does NOT qualify students for the Indiana or Kentucky Mental Health Counseling License, which is necessary for any non- school counseling position.

ASCA Membership

All candidates are required to join the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) as a student member when admitted to the clinical cohort. Membership with ASCA allows candidates to access a number of resources and tools which will assist them greatly during their training. Additionally and most importantly, membership with ASCA provides candidates with free liability insurance. The counselor liability insurance is required for the duration of the program and candidates are required to provide verification of their insurance. Go to the ASCA website: to join. You will receive a ‘membership card’. Once you become a member, the resources you will have access to, and the liability insurance you will receive is not only invaluable, but also a professional necessity.

Audio Equipment Requirements

During the Clinical Cohort, you will be required to conduct individual counseling sessions, group counseling sessions and other activities; many if not all of these sessions must be audio- recorded. Many of these audio-recordings will then be electronically uploaded to CANVAS or other similar sites. Therefore you will need to digitally record these sessions and activities.

Candidates may not use their smart phones, IPhones, IPods, IPads, etc. because these are not secure devices and create other problems when recording and uploading sessions. Candidates must have access to a digital recorder; ideally, all candidates should own a digital recorder as you will be using these frequently and consistently throughout the two years. You do NOT need the most expensive recorder; you just need a recorder that will record with good sound quality, will allow you to digitally upload, and will last for at least 2 years.

Attendance at Counseling Conferences

In the first clinical year all students attend a counseling conference; the specific conference will be determined by the Program. Students are responsible for paying all fees for the conference and arranging time off from their jobs. Some schools allow personnel to use professional days for the counseling conferences, but if necessary, students must use personal days to attend these conferences because they are a vital part of the counselor’s education and professional development. Students are also required to attend the school counseling conference in their state during the second year.

Access to E-Mail & Internet

All counseling students must have regular access to the web and to e-mail. As an IUS student, you receive an e-mail account and you may either use this, a work account, or e-mail at home. If you are using a work account, however, you must be able to access it during summer classes. Many course materials will be delivered through ONCOURSE, which requires web access.

Class Participation

During the counseling program students will often have a role as a student counselor, but will also have to be a student client to allow other students to practice their skills. During such exercises, students will be required to self-disclose personal thoughts, feelings and behaviors, but will be able to select what they disclose. They will always have the right to decline to discuss specific personal information. As a student client the candidate must also make a good faith effort to work on an actual personal issue. No part of the student’s grade will be determined by the information self-disclosed as a student client. It is a serious ethical responsibility for the student to keep personal information disclosed by other students in the program confidential and not to discuss this information outside of class.

Terms of agreement

When students are invited to join the clinical cohort, they must sign a Terms of Agreement that summarizes all responsibilities of participating in the 2 year clinical cohort

Campus Events

Crimson Coffee Break

Crimson Coffee Break

July 30th, 2024

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Freedom From Smoking Group Clinic

Freedom From Smoking Group Clinic

July 31st, 2024

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation

August 6th, 2024

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Student Organization Advisors Meeting

Student Organization Advisors Meeting

August 14th, 2024

10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

New Student Orientation

New Student Orientation

August 15th, 2024

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

See All Events » Submit an Event »

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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