IU Southeast is a safe, social, technically advanced and easy-to-navigate campus, with a robust Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct. But there may be times when you want or need assistance. Whatever your request, we're ready to help you with a range of resources, including campus police and emergency response, academic tutoring, 24-7 computer and network tech support, personal counseling and more.
Succeed in your classes
- Academic Calendar
- Accessible Educational Services
- Advising
- Attendance
- Avoid Plagiarism and Cheating (Academic Misconduct)
- Bookstore
- Campus Closing
- Final Exam Schedule
- Language Lab
- Library
- Math Lab
- Natural Sciences Tutoring Center
- Peer Tutoring
- Supplemental Instruction
- Testing Center
- Transcripts
- Video Tutorials
- Writing Center
Succeed with technology
Succeed personally
- Campus Event Calendar
- Campus Life
- Career Resources
- Counseling
- CrimsonCard
- Financial Aid
- Mentoring
- Pay My Bill (Bursar)
- Pregnancy at IU
- Registrar
- Residence Life & Housing
- Security/campus police
- Sexual Misconduct (Title IX Office)
- South Eats Pantry
- Students Clubs and Organizations
- TimelyCare
- Veterans services
- What's My Major (ACES)
- Work-Study