Learning through Service

Take a course, earn credit, and improve our community

Service learning engages you in meeting campus and community needs while earning credit toward your degree and building your resume for future employers.

You take a course that includes a service project and actively reflect on your experience and its connections to your understanding of the course subject matter. The service and reflection lead you to a deeper understanding of the course material and your own values. This combination offers insight into your values, helps you explore your purpose, and cultivates empathy, compassion, and a commitment to your community.

Watch for courses that offer Service Learning opportunities and for community based research experiences with faculty.

Develop New Albany

Group of IU Southeast students present their business recommendations to the board of Develop New AlbanyIn a School of Business capstone course, students apply all the functional areas of business such as accounting, finance, human resources, management, and marketing to an overall real-world strategy for a small business or local organization. Students complete interviews, review industry reports, and conduct a SWOT analysis.

During the Small Business Field Study case for Develop New Albany (DNA), student research formed the basis for recommendations that they presented to DNA board members on the final day of class.

More ways to get involved and get experience