Degrees and Majors

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43 results found

List of degrees and majors
Name Type School
Accounting P.B.C. School of Business
Asian Affairs CRT School of Social Sciences
Asian Affairs P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
Basic Supervision CRT School of Arts and Letters
Business Analytics P.B.C. School of Business
Coding Technology CRT School of Natural Sciences
Conflict Analysis and Resolution CRT School of Social Sciences
Conflict Analysis and Resolution P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
Core Competencies CRT School of Arts and Letters
Creative Writing CRT School of Arts and Letters
Cybersecurity CRT School of Natural Sciences
Digital Photography and Visual Art CRT School of Arts and Letters
Diversity and Intercultural Competency CRT School of Social Sciences
Diversity and Intercultural Competency P.B.C. School of Social Sciences
Economics P.B.C. School of Business
Entrepreneurship CRT School of Business
Entrepreneurship P.B.C. School of Business
Environmental Science CRT School of Natural Sciences
European Affairs CRT School of Social Sciences
European Affairs P.B.C. School of Social Sciences