IU Southeast remains committed to academic and scholarly excellence, ensuring program curricula, course requirements, learning outcomes, assessment, and credentials of instructors are consistent, regardless of mode of delivery or location.
IU Southeast offers programs that engage students in a variety of different educational experiences to prepare them for life beyond college. IU Southeast’s General Education program reflects the university’s mission to prepare students to act as thoughtful, informed, and productive citizens and lifelong learners in the context of a complex and rapidly changing society. Skills embedded in the General Education program are further developed during upper-division coursework. Recognizing the value and importance of human and cultural diversity in the world, IU Southeast provides curricular and co-curricular opportunities for students to develop strong competencies for working and living as engaged, contributing members of a global society. IU Southeast offers majors, minors, concentrations, and certificates in academic programs in subject areas with a strong focus on diversity, which is further supported through study abroad opportunities, academic and community initiatives such as The Common Experience. IU Southeast faculty and students contribute to scholarship, creative work, and knowledge discovery in multiple ways appropriate to their position.
IU Southeast works to ensure that we have the faculty and staff to meet the needs of students. IU Southeast strives to ensure that the overall composition of its faculty and staff reflects human diversity as appropriate within its mission and for the constituencies it serves. IU Southeast has sufficient numbers and continuity of full-time faculty to provide for high-quality instruction and fulfill varied non-classroom roles. Instructors are qualified, evaluated regularly, and have access to high quality professional development. IU Southeast is committed to connecting students to personal services. Student support services are tailored to address the needs of our unique student populations.
The campus takes seriously its commitment to helping students flourish academically. A robust advising culture helps students map the most efficient route to on-time graduation in their fields and the best program matches for their intended careers. Each School houses professional advisors trained to assist students in specialized academic disciplines. Intellectual knowledge is strengthened and reinforced through relevant co-curricular activities that provide practical experiences and growth opportunities for students in the community, from internships to service-learning projects. Multiple offices and services work together to help ensure student success.