  • After the final grade roster has been electronically submitted, corrections may be done by using the electronic form "e-grade change" found in, Services Tab, Faculty Center.

To access the e-Grade Change through

Incompletes (Assigning grade of "I")

  • Incompletes (to give an Incomplete grade) – in addition to recording the grade of "I" on the electronic grade roster, instructors must complete the "Assignment of Incomplete" form. Forms are available in School/Division Offices; but must be returned to the Registrar's Office in University Center South, Room 107. (Also see: Incompletes under Grade Section.)

Incompletes (Removing grade of I)

  • To Remove an Incomplete instructors must issue a final grade by using the electronic form "e-grade change" found in

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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