


What You Need to Know About Hazing

Student Affairs
(812) 941-2420
University Center South
Room 155


Hazing is defined as any conduct which subjects another person, whether physically, mentally, emotionally, or psychologically to anything that may endanger, abuse, degrade, or intimidate the person as a condition of association with a group or organization, regardless of the person's consent.

Hazing Is Not Friendship

College is about leadership, responsibility, education, and friendship. People join athletics, intramurals, clubs and organization to make friends. Hazing destroys friendships. Friends do not harm each other and do not try to have fun at each other's expense.

Indiana Hazing Law

§ 34-30-2-150. Hazing

IC 35-42-2-2 (Concerning persons for reporting or participating in proceedings concerning hazing).

§ 35-42-2-2. Criminal recklessness-Exemption from liability resulting from hazing reports (a) As used in this section, "hazing means forcing or requiring another person: (1) with or without the consent of the other person; and (2) as a condition of association with a group or organization; to perform an act that creates a substantial risk of bodily injury. (b) A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally performs: (1) an act that creates a substantial risk of bodily injury to another person; or (2) hazing; commits criminal recklessness, a Class B misdemeanor. However, the offense is a: (1) Class A misdemeanor if the conduct includes a vehicle; (2) Class D felony if it is committed while armed with a deadly weapon; or (3) Class C felony if it is committed by shooting a firearm from a vehicle Into an Inhabited dwelling or other building or place where people are likely to gather. (c) A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally: (1) inflicts serious bodily injury on another person; or (2) performs hazing that results in serious bodily injury to a person; commits criminal recklessness, a Class D felony. However, the offense is a Class C felony if committed by means of a deadly weapon. (d) A person, other than a person who has committed an offense under this section or a delinquent act that would be an offense under this section if the violator was an adult, who: (1 J makes a report of hazing in good faith; (2) participates in good faith in a judicial proceeding resulting from a report of hazing; (3) employs a reporting or participating person described in subdivision (1) or (2}; or (4) supervises a reporting or participating person described in subdivision (1) or (2); is not liable for civil damages or criminal penalties that might otherwise be imposed because of the report or participation. (e) A person described in subsection (d)(1) or (d)(2) is presumed to act in good faith. (f) A person described in subsection (d)(1) or (d)(2) may not be treated as acting in bad faith solely because the person did not have probable cause to believe that a person committed: (1) an offense under this section; or (2) a delinquent act that would be an offense under this section if the offender was an adult.

For additional information, please contact Student Affairs.

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IU Southeast and Hazing

Indiana University Southeast has established standards of behavior for students. Students, student organizations and athletes shall conduct themselves in a way, which brings credit to the group, the program, and the University. In accordance with Indiana law and University policy, hazing or initiations are strictly prohibited, whether or not the student has consented to participate in any hazing for any reason.

Students, athletes, advisors, managers and coaches cannot participate in any form of hazing or initiation. Any activity of this nature is strictly prohibited and allegations will be thoroughly investigated. If it is determined that the policy has been violated, involved students will be sanctioned by the sponsoring body as well as the IU Southeast judicial process. Examples of hazing activities include, but are not limited to being:

  • Yelled, cursed, or sworn at
  • Forced or expected to participate in
  • Tattooing, piercing, head shaving or branding forced or expected to wear embarrassing clothes
  • Forced or expected to drink alcohol or ingest any substance
  • Instructed to participate in calisthenics not related to sport
  • Required to act as a personal servant to others
  • Transported and abandoned
  • Forced or expected to consume inappropriate concoctions

Indiana University Southeast is firmly committed to enforcing this policy. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, who is the chief judicial officer of the university, has the authority to initiate disciplinary proceedings against individual students as well as groups of students or student organizations in any case involving allegations of misconduct.

All members of the University community share the responsibility to challenge and make known to the University any acts that appear to be hazing.

Suspected or known incidences of hazing or initiations should be reported as soon as possible to the following:

  • Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
    Phone: (812) 941-2420
  • Dean of Student Life
    Phone: (812) 941-2316
  • University Police
    (812) 941-2400
  • Athletics Department
    Phone: (812) 941-2432

How does this apply to me?

Athletics and intramural teams, clubs, individuals, and organizations at Indiana University Southeast must abide oy the rules and regulations of the University and the laws of the state. Members of student organizations and athletic teams cannot endanger the physical or mental health of a prospective or active member as a requirement to join, remain as, or as a condition of being a member in the organization.

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"Hazing builds unity"

Hazing destroys friendships and the organization. It creates separate groups instead of one large, unified group.

"Hazing motivates them"

Organized activities that meet the prospective member's need and are positive in nature will result in higher loyalty and personal satisfaction.

It has always been done this way

Tradition can sometimes mean a lack of creativity or an unwillingness to try something new.

"They need to prove they are worthy of membership"

People make a stronger commitment to a group they feel a part of. Hazing alienates people. The people with higher leadership potential will not submit to hazing. All national fraternal organizations and institutions of higher education have banned hazing.

"We only haze a little, It's not that bad"

It is human nature to make things 'bigger and better.' Over time the hazing will get worse if allowed to continue.

"I had to go through It, so I am going to do It to them"

The true leader is the person who creates positive change. Leaders act- they do not react.

"It is all In good fun"

There are many actives that are fun and do not have the chance of harming others, physically or mentally.

"But nobody got hurt"

Every year, many people die, or are seriously injured in hazing incidents.

"They want it"

Sometimes that is true, but they may not know any different. The prospective members place a great deal of trust in the members to do things right.

"We need to instill humility in them"

There is a difference between being humble and being humiliated.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Is it done for the enjoyment of the members?
  • If it becomes publicized, would it be embarrassing?
  • Would you want your parents/ guardians to know about or see it?
  • Is it something that you just want to get it over with?

If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, you or your group may be hazing or are being hazed.

What happens to somebody who gets caught hazing?

The Dean of Student Life, who is a judicial officer of the university, or designee will investigate the incident. Sanctions for those found guilty of hazing can range from a warning to expulsion from the university, plus educational or community service sanctions. If local law enforcement authorities are involved in the incident, a criminal court may also handle the case.

Student organizations and athletic teams may also be disciplined for hazing. Sanctions for groups can range from a warning to revoking privileges as a campus organization. Revoking privileges means that the organization will no longer be allowed to function as an organization on campus.

Examples of Hazing

Hazing is an activity that recklessly endangers the physical health or safety of a member or prospective member. Examples include but are not limited to: physical brutality; whipping; beating; exposure to the elements; calisthenics; forced consumption of any food, liquor, drug, or any substance; forced smoking or chewing tobacco products; one-way road trips; dropping food in the mouth from a distance; or forced scavenger hunts. Hazing can also be any activity that recklessly endangers the mental health of the member, including but not limited to: sleep deprivation; physical confinement; morally degrading or humiliating games; blindfolding; or any other stress-inducing activity. The following are also considered hazing: lengthy work sessions, assigned pranks that harass or offend other organizations of people; kidnapping; 'kangaroo court' or 'gold fish bowls'; line-ups; war games; personal errands; and the use of 'black books'.

Any activity where the student or prospective member is required to perform tasks that violate the criminal laws of the state is also hazing. The hazing law makes it illegal to knowingly participate in or cause hazing. This means that participants, as well as the hazers, in the act can be punished. Consent cannot be used as a defense for hazing. This means people cannot give permission to be hazed to try to prevent the hazers from being accused.

Hazing can be a felony. Is it really worth it?

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Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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