Registered Student Organization Grant Guidelines
The Registered Student Organization Grant is funded by Student Activity Fees and managed by the Student Life Committee.
The Registered Student Organization Grant (RSO Grant) provides opportunities for occasional funding to enrich and enhance the quality of student programming, to increase student engagement in activities, and to increase student presence on campus through sponsored events. The RSO grant will benefit RSOs that do not already receive funding from student activity fees.
Eligibility and Criteria
- IU Southeast registered student organizations may submit an application for RSO grant funding to the Student Life Committee, which manages the funds. RSO grant funding is separate from the Student Organization Seed Money ($50), which is a start-up incentive available to new student organizations
- RSO grants may not be requested to market a student organization
- RSO grants may not be requested to serve as a fundraising source for internal campus groups or external (non-profit) groups or agencies
- RSO grant funds are limited and, upon approval, appropriated on a first-come, first-served basis
- The proposed program or activity must be open to all IU Southeast students
Grant Application
Student organizations may partner on a proposed event. The RSO Grant Application form requires the following information:
- Registered student organizations(s) sponsoring the event
- Contact information for president and RSO advisor (Names, e-mail addresses, and phone numbers)
- Event title and description
- Event date, time, and place
- Include any special set-ups (Which could result in rentals, insurance riders, etc.)
- Event purpose and benefits
- Event marketing plan (Must include this statement: "This event is funded by student activity fees.")
- Target audience
- Anticipated attendance (Which will help determine if police support is needed)
- Event budget (Include itemized expenses and total amount requested)
- Signatures of RSO president, RSO advisor, and the Associate Director of Campus Life, who will facilitate the grant application, the accounting/funding disbursement process, and the event
Application Submission Dates
RSO grant applications (Completed and signed) must be submitted to the Office of Student Affairs by the second Monday of each month, September through April. The Student Life Committee (SLC) meets on the second or third Friday of those months. Any request received after the monthly deadline will be considered at the following monthly meeting of the SLC. RSOs must submit a proposal at least one month prior to the proposed event.
Funding Decision and Disbursement
- The Student Life Committee will inform the RSO and the Associate Director of Campus Life of the funding decision (Full, partial, or not approved with explanation) via e-mail within five calendar days of the meeting, or the SLC may request additional information if needed
- The approved amount will be based on the RSO Grant criteria, proposed budget, available funds, and anticipated benefit to students. Generally, the SLC will approve not more than $2,000 per qualified event
- Any change to the event budget requires Student Life Committee approval prior to spending funds
- The Office of Campus Life will assist the RSO with event purchases
Post-Event Summary Report
An RSO that is awarded an RSO grant must submit a Post-Event Summary Report within 30 days of the event. The report must include:
- Event time and date
- Attendance or number of participants
- Marketing steps implemented
- Detailed expense record with receipt copies. If the event costs are less than the amount funded, the excess funds must be returned to the account managed by the SLC
- Paragraph on the benefits received by the RSO
- Paragraph on the benefits received by students
Failure to submit the report with expense documentation and return of unused funds will result in RSO probation subject to restrictions and loss of privileges for the remainder of the academic year. The RSO will also be ineligible to submit subsequent funding proposals.
Event Cancellation or Postponement
If the approved event is canceled, the Office of Campus Life and the Office of Student Engagement must be notified and all appropriated funds must be returned to the SLC account. If the RSO wishes to postpone the event to another date, approval must be sought from the SLC.
Please call the Office of Campus Life (812) 941-2316 or the Office of Student Engagement (812) 941-2420 for assistance.