(Updated March 2021)
Approval Process for New Course Requests
Step 1: Course syllabus developed by faculty member(s)
Step 2: Approval by the discipline or school
Step 3: Course developer or program coordinator accesses CARMIN system and completes the form. Make sure the form is filled out completely, as failure to do so might cause delays in the process.
Step 4: New Course Request form (CARMIN) is routed through dean’s office, the EVCAA’s office, to SES in Bloomington, back to EVCAA’s office.
Step 5: Academic Affairs staff routes the completed CARMIN form to all members of the Academic Policies Committee (APC).
Step 6: Academic Policies Committee acts to approve or disapprove the New Course Request. If approved, the Chair of Academic Policies Committee sends copies of the Request to the President of the IUS Faculty Senate for placement as an action item on the agenda of the next Senate meeting. If not approved the Request is sent back to the originating faculty for additional information, changes, etc.
Step 7: The Senate acts to approve or disapprove the Request. If approved, the Request is routed by the President of the Senate to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (EVCAA) and Chancellor for approval If not approved the Request is sent back to the originating faculty for additional information, changes, etc.
Step 8: EVCAA routes the Request to SES in Bloomington, who sends it out for a 30-day remonstrance period.
Step 9: If there is no remonstrance, the request goes to University Enrollment Services for entry into the Master Course Inventory.
Approval Process for New Majors, Tracks, Certificates, Specializations, or Concentrations
Academic Affairs Program Development Information
Step 1: Faculty member, in consultation with program coordinator and dean writes up proposal. There is no required form to use for this. It can be done as a Word document. Check with your school about school level approvals.
Step 2: Once the school approves the proposal, it is sent to the Chair of the Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee (APC). It is vital the form consists of the following:
Proposal should be approximately 10 pages (not including attachments). Note that it is important the proposal be written in this format, and not in “essay” style.
- Characteristics of the Program
- Campus(es) Offering Program
- Scope of Delivery (Specific Sites or Statewide)
- Mode of Delivery (Classroom, Blended, or Online)
- Other Delivery Aspects (Co-ops, Internships, Clinicals, Practica, etc.)
- Academic Unit Offering Program
- Rationale for Program
- a. Institutional Rationale (e.g. Alignment with Institutional Mission and Strengths)
- State Rationale
- Evidence of Labor Market Need
- National, State, or Regional Need
- Preparation for Graduate Programs or Other Benefits
- Summary of Indiana DWD and/or U.S. Department of Labor Data
- National, State, or Regional Studies
- Surveys of Employers or Students and Analyses of Job Postings
- Letters of Support (list letters in document and include actual letters as separate, attached documents)
Step 3: If approved, APC will send the proposal to the president of the Faculty Senate to put on the agenda as an action item for the next meeting. If not approved, APC will send the proposal back to the faculty originator with reasons why.
Step 4: Faculty Senate votes on proposal. If approved, the president of the Faculty Senate sends the proposal on to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for review.
Step 5: If approved, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs processes proposal through APPEAR system.
Step 6: Contingent Approvals and Documentation (only applicable items)
- University Graduate School: if degree(s) is (are) conferred by the graduate school.
- Office of Online Education: if offered online.
- Office of Overseas Programs: if offered through partnerships outside US.
- Documentation: Letters of support from other campuses and/or employers.
Step 7: Academic Leadership Council/Executive Vice President • Approval Required
Step 8: Board of Trustees • Administrative Action Report (AAR)—presented as an information-only item. Although Trustees do “accept” the items on the report, it is not an “approval”.
STEP 9: Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) • Not Applicable
STEP 10: Higher Learning Commission • Not Applicable
STEP 11: Professional Accreditation (if applicable)
Follow appropriate procedures as determined by the professional accrediting body.
Approval Process for New Minors
Step 1: Faculty member, in consultation with program coordinator and dean writes up proposal. There is no required form to use for this. It can be done as a Word document. Check with your school about school level approvals.
Step 2: Once the school approves the proposal, it is sent to the Chair of the Faculty Senate Academic Policies Committee (APC). It is vital the form consists of the following:
Proposal should be no more than 10 pages (not including attachments). Note that it is important the proposal be written in this format, and not in “essay” style.
- Characteristics of the Program
- Campus(es) Offering Program
- Scope of Delivery (Specific Sites or Statewide)
- Mode of Delivery (Classroom, Blended, or Online)
- Other Delivery Aspects (Co-ops, Internships, Clinicals, Practica, etc.)
- Academic Unit Offering Program
- Rationale for Program
- a. Institutional Rationale (e.g. Alignment with Institutional Mission and Strengths)
- State Rationale
- Evidence of Labor Market Need
- National, State, or Regional Need
- Preparation for Graduate Programs or Other Benefits
- Summary of Indiana DWD and/or U.S. Department of Labor Data
- National, State, or Regional Studies
- Surveys of Employers or Students and Analyses of Job Postings
- Letters of Support (list letters in document and include actual letters as separate, attached documents)
Step 3: If approved, APC will send the proposal to the president of the Faculty Senate to put on the agenda as an action item for the next meeting. If not approved, APC will send the proposal back to the faculty originator with reasons why.
Step 4: Faculty Senate votes on proposal. If approved, the president of the Faculty Senate sends the proposal on to the Executive Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs for review.
Step 5: If approved, Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs processes proposal through APPEAR system.
Step 6: Contingent Approvals and Documentation (only applicable items)
- University Graduate School: if degree(s) is (are) conferred by the graduate school.
- Office of Online Education: if offered online.
- Office of Overseas Programs: if offered through partnerships outside US.
- Documentation: Letters of support from other campuses and/or employers.
Step 7: Academic Leadership Council/Executive Vice President • Not Applicable
Step 8: Board of Trustees • Administrative Action Report (AAR)— Not Applicable
STEP 9: Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) • Not Applicable
STEP 10: Higher Learning Commission • Not Applicable
STEP 11: Professional Accreditation (if applicable) Follow appropriate procedures as determined by the professional accrediting body.
Approval Process for Changes in Degree Programs
Minor Changes [See Faculty Senate Constitution, By-Law No. 2, A. (2)]
Step 1: Documents describing the change(s) are sent by the initiating faculty to the Chair of the Academic Policies Committee (APC).
Step 2: Academic Policies Committee discusses the change(s), raises questions, etc.
Step 3: Academic Policies Committee Chair sends the documents to the President of the Faculty Senate for inclusion on the agenda of the next Senate meeting as an information item.
Step 4: Change(s) is/are presented at the Senate. Questions may be raised and answered.
Step 5: Changes are implemented according to an appropriate timetable.
Major Changes [See Faculty Senate Constitution, By-Law No. 2, A. (2)]
Step 1: Same as number one above.
Step 2: Academic Policies Committee discusses and acts on the change(s). If approved, the Academic Policies Committee Chair submits the change(s) to the President of the Faculty Senate as an action item for the next Faculty Senate agenda. If not approved, the Academic Policies Committee Chair returns the change(s) to the originating faculty who may choose to revise and re-submit.
Step 3: Faculty Senate discusses and acts on the proposed change(s),. If the change(s) is/are approved, the changes are eligible for implementation. If they are not approved they will be returned to the originating faculty who may choose to revise and re-submit.
Changes in the name of a degree requires use of the complete degree approval process, as if it were a completely new degree proposal.