Useful Resources
- David h Hershberg Scholarship for Study Abroad
- Word reference on-line resource for language help
- IU Southeast International Studies Information
- Facebook page for IU Southeast International Studies Majors
- Job advertisements for bilinguals
- Modern Language Association
- American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages
General cultural sites
- French Culture: The Official Website of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US
- Alliance française-USA
- Bibliothèque nationale française
- Francophone Africa
- Canal Acadèmie - Lectures and interviews generally with authors and academics
- Official website of the Association of francophone nations and regions
- Radio Canada
- Various radio stations in France
- le mouv' - French rock
- Radio Okapi - Democratic Republic of Congo
- Jam Radio - Ivory Coast
- 102.0 Africa - Senegal
- Radio Tèlèvision Suisse - Switzerland
- la Première - Belgium
- Radio Monaco - Monaco
- radio Kontak Inter - Haiti, in Creole and French
- Guadeloupe Radio Stations
- tiarefm 104.2 - French Polynesia: Tahiti
Sigma Delta Pi, The Spanish National Honor Society
Facebook Page for IU Southeast Spanish Club
Some newspapers from the Spanish-speaking world
Association for Hispanic Classical Theater
American Association of Teachers 0f Spanish and Portuguese
American Council of Teaching of Foreign Languages
- Consulate General of Japan at Chicago
- Consulate General of Japan at Nashville
- Embassy of Japan
- Greater Louisville Inc, The Metro Chamber of Commerce
- JETRO Chicago
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (Gaimusho)
- Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan (Monbukagakusho)
- International Society for Educational Information
- Japan Foundation