Welcome to Indiana University Southeast, School of Arts and Letters (A&L); we're glad you're here! As you work toward completing your program of study, a major and/or a minor, there will be many people here to assist you. We recognize that the decision that you have made may take some time and that you may make changes along the way. The Professional Advisor and Faculty in the School of Arts and Letters (A&L) are ready to help. This site will give you an overview of the process, the requirements for degrees (Academic Advisement Report), and the resources available to you.
As you begin your undergraduate studies at IU Southeast, we invite you to become familiar with the resources for advising made available to you. Academic advising is a responsibility shared between you and your advisor; each of you plays an important role in the success of this relationship.
As an undergraduate student here, you will receive assistance from your school advisor as you plan your courses. The office, the location, and phone number are listed below:

Gregory Roberts M.A.
Assistant to the Dean, School of Arts and Letters
Lead Academic Advisor, School of Arts & Letters
BAS & BIS Coordinator – Applied Science
Knobview Hall 110U
Phone: (812) 941-2584

Shane Thomas M.A.
Academic Advisor & Director
Knobview Hall 110W
Phone: (812) 941-2642