

Informatics currently has two facilities:

The BioInformatics Research Group Lab (BiRG Lab)
Location: LF 101

Description: BiRG primarily serves as the introductory research space for almost all Informatics cognate majors who use the lab to collaborate and work on their individual research projects. Informatics Undergraduate Research Fellowship students and Independent study/research students are also housed here. BiRG research machines have specialty hardware, high resolution multi paneled monitors with dedicated informatics software preinstalled for research use by the students. BiRG also doubles up as a repair/assembly/work space available to freshman and sophomores students who want to get hands‐on Informatics technical experience.

Informatics of Scientific Computing Lab (iSci Lab)
Location: LF 165

Description: iSci contains high performance computing (HPC) workstations, visualization (viz) hardware, and other specialized human computer interaction (HCI) hardware, such as Microsoft Kinect devices. It also houses 3 workstation clusters with high-end graphics used for HPC and viz, capable of driving 4 displays which can be arrayed in a variety of configurations. The iSci also houses highly-configurable information system for use in upper level informatics courses.

Campus Events

Tuesday Bible Study

Tuesday Bible Study

April 1st, 2025

12:15 PM - 1:15 PM

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Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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