Distinguished Service Awards

Acknowledging distinguished service

Your help is needed to identify and reward distinguished service to Indiana University Southeast. These awards are an important way by which the University can recognize and encourage outstanding performance by exempt and non-exempt staff.

Distinguished Service Awards will be presented at the end of the fall semester each year.

To select the recipients, selection criteria have been established and a selection committee has been named. Everyone in the campus community can nominate the person you believe is most deserving of the award in each category.

Award Information


The following criteria constitute the basis for nominations and for committee recommendations for recipients for the awards:

Job performance:

  • Individual initiative: performance above and beyond the normal expectations of the position.
  • Extraordinary assignments: performance relating to extra assignments by a supervisor.
  • Exemplary conduct of normal duties: e.g., attendance, dependability, punctuality, etc.

Personal attitude which is positive and professional in all contacts with others; and which represents the university in the best possible way.

Commitment to the mission and goals of IU Southeast, as reflected by service and responsiveness.

  • Above and beyond what is expected in job performance.
  • Evidence of loyalty to IU Southeast.

At least three years of employment at IU Southeast as of the date of nomination request letter from Chancellor's office.

Prior years' recipients shall not be eligible for the same award unless the award was granted over ten years ago.

Review committee composition:

  • A committee shall be appointed by the Chancellor, in the fall semester, for the following spring semester to review nominations for the awards and recommend, confidentially, to the Chancellor up to three full-time, exempt or non-exempt staff members (at least one exempt and at least one non-exempt) that will be chosen based on supplied justification in the nominations.
  • The committee shall include (8) eight members, approved by the Chancellor:
    • (3) The most recent award recipients
    • (2) Two representatives of the Staff Council
    • (2) Two at-large members, from within the above groups, previous recipients, or previous year’s committee member.
    • (1) One representative from HR.
  • The Chancellor shall appoint the committee chairperson.

Instructions to the committee:

  • The committee shall follow procedures and criteria as outlined in this document. However, if no candidates judged to meet the criteria in a particular category, the committee shall not recommend a recipient in that category.
  • All proceedings of this committee must be kept strictly confidential.
  • The Chancellor shall review the recommendations of the committee and select and announce the award recipients at an appropriate time.

The following procedures are recommended for receiving and reviewing nominations:

  • The Chancellor’s office solicits nominations in the spring semester via a campus-wide email.
  • Nominators will complete a submission form. The submission form will address specific criteria and invite the nominator to write their rationale for nomination. The nomination shall address the criteria and not exceed one written page.
  • Once the nomination deadline has passed, the Chancellor’s office will collect all nominations and continue with the nomination vetting process.
  • The names of the nominees will be submitted by the Chancellor's Office confidentially to Human Resources, who will then notify the Chancellor's Office of any pending or relevant adverse personnel action(s), solicit a job description, and confirm that the nominees have a minimum of three years’ employment with IU Southeast.
  • Once the HR information has been secured, the Chancellor’s office will then notify each nominee’s supervisor and solicit a one-page letter of support from the supervisor, specifically addressing the selection criteria.
  • The committee shall review each nomination according to the selected criteria and recommend recipients, in a confidential manner, to the Chancellor.
  • The Chancellor will review and approve the recommended recipients, personally notify the recipients, and make an announcement at an appropriate time.
  • Recipients will choose between an award of an IU Southeast captain’s chair or a one-time monetary award of $500.

Nominate someone for the Distinguished Service Award

Please submit all nominations by April 15, 2025.

Submit your nomination