
Program Review Annual Timeline

Dates Actions Responsibility
March 1 Notify dean of schedule program review OAA, EVCAA
March-April Organize self-study process Dean, faculty
October 1 Provide basic support data to program OIE
November 1 Identify external reviewer(s) Dean, faculty, EVCAA
January 10 Submit self-study to dean and EVCAA Faculty
January 20 Dean response and summary to EVCAA and faculty Dean
January 30 Send self-study to external reviewer(s) Dean
February - April Campus visit of external reviewer(s) Dean (& EVCAA optional)
June 1 Receive external reviewer’s report External reviewer
September 15 Draft action plan to EVCAA and Dean Faculty, dean
October - December Presentation to A&Q Council for feedback EVCAA, dean, faculty
January 15 Final action plan submitted to EVCAA Dean and faculty
February 15 EVCAA response to the program EVCAA

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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