Dr. Grote is a Quaternary scientist with graduate-level training in geology, geography, climatology/meteorology, ecology and archaeology. His diverse academic background translates into a similarly diverse array of research topics and skillsets. He completed his Ph.D. in Geology from West Virginia University in 2006.
Academic Background
- West Virginia University, Morgantown, West Virginia, United States
- Doctor of Philosophy, Major in Geology
Professional Interests
Glacial and Quaternary Geology
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
My primary research interests include - (1) fluvial and hydrologic responses to climate variability and change; (2) glacial geology, geomorphology and hydrology; (3) Quaternary paleoclimatology, paleoecology and paleogeography; AND (4) geoarchaeology and human-ecosystem interactions. From an applied research perspective, I have interests in stream, wetland and ecological restoration, cultural resource management (CRM), and the impact of climate change on archaeological site preservation and discovery. Recently, I have become increasingly involved with interdisciplinary projects related to landscape/settlement archaeology, paleoenvironmental reconstruction, human impacts on the environment and climate-vegetation interactions (ecological climatology). That being said, some of my current research projects include:
- Late Quaternary paleoclimatology, paleoenvironments, post-glacial river and wetland evolution, and geoarchaeology of the Great Lakes Region.
- Glacial chronology, Late Quaternary paleoenvironments, post-glacial river evolution and geoarchaeology of the Ohio River Basin.
- Late Pleistocene through historical climate-glacier-river interactions in Alaska.
Journal Articles
- Grote, T. and Z. Suriano. (2024). Temporal and spatial patterns of hydroclimate variability related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in Michigan, USA. Physical Geography, 45 (6), 605*625.
- Grote, T.. (2021). A synoptic climatology of rain-on-snow flooding in Mid-Atlantic Region using NCEP/NCAR Re-Analysis compositing. Physical Geography, 42 (5), 452-471.
- Grote, T.. (2019). Floodplain stratigraphy and geomorphology in formerly glaciated Northwestern Pennsylvania. Middle States Geographer, 52 (n/a), 1-13.
- Grote, T. and E. Straffin. (2019). Analysis of Late Wisconsinan ice-marginal environments in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Geographer, v.17 (1), p. 17-33.
- Grote, T.. (2019). Evolution of mantled karst along the Blue Ridge-Great Valley margin, USA: An example of subsidence-related sediment accumulation and possible preservation. Acta Carsologica, 48 (3), 283-294.
- Griggs, C., D. Peteet, B. Kromer, T. Grote, and J. Southon. (2017). A tree-ring chronology and paleoclimate record for the Younger Dryas-Early Holocene transition from northeastern North America. Journal of Quaternary Science, v. 32 (3), p. 341-346.
- Grote, T.. (2017). Hydroclimatological identification of flood seasonality and generating mechanisms in the upper Allegheny River Basin. Middle States Geographer, v.50 (1), p. 74-81.
- Grote, T.. (2017). Surficial processes and stratigraphy of alluvial fans along the Blue Ridge-Great Valley border, Central Appalachians. Southeastern Geology, 52 (3), 157-177.
- Grote, T. and A. Myers. (2012). Preliminary alluvial geoarchaeology of 36FO66 (Indian Camp Run II), Forest County, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Archaeologist, 82 (n/a), 32-46.
- Grote T. and J. S. Kite. (2010). Geomorphology and pedology of a mixed alluvial-colluvial fill deposit in central West Virginia: New insight into Appalachian landscape evolution. Southeastern Geology, 47 (1), 27-39.