Academic Background
- University of Florida, Gainesville, United States
- Doctorate in English
- Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany
- Masters in English and History
- Hamburg University, Hamburg, Germany
- Bachelors in English
Professional Interests
19th and 20th century British and European literature and culture; literary theory; women and literature; modernism; theater; interdisciplinary studies
Literature of World War I; 19th & 20th century British and Continental literature; women’s writing; G.B. Shaw; Vernon Lee; public intellectuals
Journal Articles
- Christa Zorn. (2016). Bernard Shaw’s Staging of Capitalism: ‘Money is not made in the Light.'. SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 36 (1), 142-63.
- Christa Zorn. (2015). Geneva or the Failure of Reason. SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 34 (1), 107-126.
- Christa Zorn. (2010). Staging the Public Sphere: Karl Kraus and Romain Rolland’s Critical Theatre in World War I. Text and Presentation, 7 (7), 54-68.
- Christa Zorn. (2008). Cosmopolitan Shaw and the Transformation of the Public Sphere. SHAW: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies, 28 (1), 188-208.
- Christa Zorn. (2008). Globalisierung und Kosmopolitismus: Englands Intellektuelle im Ersten Weltkrieg. Ulfried Reichardt (ed), Die Vermessung der Globalisierung: Kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektiven. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 1 (1), 179-99.
- Christa Zorn. (2006). The Cosmopolitan Intellectual during World War I. Serena Cenni and Elisa Bizzotto (eds), Vernon Lee e Firenze settant’ anni dopo: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Firenze 26-27-28 maggio 2005. Consiglio Florence: Regionale della Toscana, 1 (1), 255-69.
- Herward Sieberg and Christa Zorn (eds).. (2014). The Anglo-German Correspondence between Vernon Lee and Irene Forbes-Mosse: Women Writers’ Friendship Transcending Enemy Lines.. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press.
- Christa Zorn. (2003). Vernon Lee: Aesthetics, History, and the Victorian Female Intellectual. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press.