
Base Org Review Guidelines

Below is a list Accounting Services uses to review requisitions that route to the Base Org Review group for approval before routing to Purchasing for final review or directly to the vendor for ordering.

Please review the guidelines below so that your requisition document has all the needed notes and approvals prior to submission to ensure prompt processing. Orders that do not follow the procedures noted may be delayed or disapproved.

Marketing Orders

Marketing orders (anything with the IU logo or referencing IU Southeast, items charged to 4802, etc.) should have artwork approved by Marketing.  Please include a note with an email attachment noting approval from Marketing when submitting your requisition. 

If orders do not have noted approval, Accounting Services will reach out to Marketing to confirm approval.  If a purchase has not been reviewed/approved by Marketing, the Accounting Services Base Org Review group will disapprove the requisition. 

NOTE: For any large orders ($10K+) for object code 4802, initiators must complete a Marketing & Communication Application for approval by following this link: Marketing & Communication Request Form. A PAGR approval number must be noted on the requisition in order to be approved by the Base Org Review group. 

*Job advertisement orders from Human Resources do NOT need marketing approval.

IT Related Orders

All IT related orders must route through UITS using the guidelines below.  If an IT related order is placed by the department instead of routing through UITS, the requisition will be disapproved. 

The following items must be requested through the IT Service Request Form (              

  • Computing devices: Desktops, Laptops, and Tablets/Mobile Devices
  • Storage devices: Thumb Drives, External Hard Drives, SD Cards etc.
  • Presentation displays: Projectors and Televisions
  • Network Equipment:  Routers, Switches, Wireless, and Virtual Servers


To request software purchases for the Southeast campus, departments should submit an SSSP Form: Software & Services Selection Process Form.  Requestors will be notified via email when the form has been received, and a UITS representative from our campus will be copied on the email.  Once the request receives approval from Purchasing as well, the department will be notified via email and may enter the requisition in BUY.IU.  The order should be flagged as software in the “Compliance” section of the requisition document. 

Requests that do NOT require the completion of the SSSP form:

  • Renewal of existing IT software and services contracts that do not have a use case change from the prior contract term (use case is defined as how the software or services are presently being used).  In these cases, the department should include the previously submitted SSSP form on the requisition for Purchasing review.

  • Software and/or services indicated on the SSSP Conditional Allow list 

Potential Liability Issues

The supplier for any purchase involving potential liability issues should provide a $1 million Certificate of Liability Insurance to the Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims (INLOCC):  If your department has an event with a potential liability issue (dunk tank rental, bouncy house, 5K walk/run, etc.), please ensure that the certificate has been forwarded to INLOCC, and make note on the requisition accordingly. 

For Programs Involving Children (PIC), events must be on file with University Police.  Please note on the requisition that an event has been reported to University Police for audit and approval purposes. 

Liability waivers: If individuals will be participating in activities that include animals and/or inflatables on campus, the event will need to be approved by the Office of Insurance, Loss Control & Claims (INLOCC) before a liability waiver will be drafted.  Waivers can be requested here:

Furniture Purchases

Furniture or furnishings include, but are not limited to: 

  • Workstations
  • Desks
  • Reupholstering Services
  • Tables (i.e. Conference, End/Coffee)
  • Technology Related Furniture
  • Outdoor Furniture
  • Furniture that will be placed in public areas
  • Floorcoverings (any loose or installed material on the floor, to include rugs)
  • Wallcovering (any material installed on/adhered to the wall)
  • Window Covering (any material installed on or at a window)
  • Window Film on interior or exterior windows
  • Casework/millwork
  • Signage
  • Area rug
  • Artwork 


Furniture purchases must go through the University Architect’s Office (UAO) unless the item is available on the Unrestricted Furniture List (see “IU Catalog”).  If an item is needed that is not on the unrestricted furniture list, departments must submit a Request for Service (RFS) form.  The “Request Type” for the RFS form should be “Furniture Only”.  UAO will work up a quote for the furniture item and return it to the department for review.  UAO will place the order/submit a requisition on the department’s behalf if the department decides to move forward with the quote. 


Small Office accessories for personal/private offices may now be purchased using your IU p-card. Following is a list of examples: 
  • Floor and Desk Lamps (must be UL listed)
  • Garment racks & coat trees
  • Clocks for private offices
  • Frames for diplomas or certificates for private offices 
A note should be added to the requisition indicating it is for a personal office space in order to be approved by the Accounting Services Base Org Review group.

Blanket/Recurring Orders

Blanket or recurring orders are those that will cover a range of dates.  For example, Facility Operations may have an order open for lumber that would cover the entire fiscal year from 7/1-6/30. 

When creating a requisition for a blanket order, please be sure to note the “Type of Recurring Payment” and the “Begin/End Date” under the “Payment Info” tab.  Also include the prior year PO number if applicable. 

If this field is not completed for blanket orders, the requisition will be disapproved.

Check Enclosed & Special Handling Orders

If you need to request information be bundled with your payments, or to request check pick up, review SOP-PURCH-16: Special Payment Instructions. This SOP defines when the Check Attachment and Special Handling options should be completed and how to complete them.

Gift Card Purchases

Gift cards are restricted items and are intended to be used as incentives with participants in research studies. They may also be purchased as promotional prizes for auxiliary units.  Outside of these two scenarios, gift cards may only be purchased using IU Foundation funds. 

All purchases of gift cards must be compliant with Indiana University Policies relating to the use of University Funds, hospitality, and gifts. A condition for all order requests is a deliberate affirmation (acknowledgement) by the requestor and Fiscal Officer/Delegate that they have read, understand, and agree to the Indiana University Polices and that no gift cards will be for personal use or given as personal gifts. 

All gift card purchases should have the following questions answered as a note on the requisition:

  1. Please provide statement of the business purpose for the gift cards.
  2. How is the recipient of the gift card chosen?
  3. Who will be the recipient of the gift card (students, staff, or community member)? 

Departments must keep a tracking list/spreadsheet of purchased gift cards indicating how and to whom they were distributed.  If gift cards are distributed in person vs. emailed, signatures can be collected at pickup.  Otherwise, the email address should be on file. 

Gift card values must be reported 1) through the Student Funding Review Form if the activity is for IU students only, or 2) to IU Tax via the Prize Tax Data Collection Form if the activity is not limited to students and the value exceeds $600. 

It is recommended that tangible items (IU gear, for example) be provided as prizes vs. gift cards when possible.

Student Travel Purchases

If a requisition is for a payment on behalf of a student (travel, prepaid registration, etc.), the Student Funding Review Form must be completed by the document initiator and approval attached for the audit trail.  The form is reviewed by the Office of Financial Aid and records the payment(s) as part of the student’s overall aid package, per federal law.

Unallowable Items

  • iPads with cellular service
  • Phones (must be approved by HR for business purposes)
  • Desktop computers/printers for home use
  • Microwaves & refrigerators (most cases)
  • 8-foot tables
  • Space heaters (unless approval given and order placed by Facility Operations)
  • Desktop printers for office use (unless there is a remarkably compelling business need approved by VC)
  • Flowers for funerals (personal expense)
  • IU HR retirement gifts (must be purchased directly through IU Foundation)

Campus Events

The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed

March 12th, 2025

11:00 AM - 3:00 PM

Float Your Way Through - Ice Cream Floats

Float Your Way Through - Ice Cream Floats

March 12th, 2025

11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Campus Clean Up

Campus Clean Up

March 12th, 2025

2:45 PM - 4:00 PM

Fiber Friends

Fiber Friends

March 12th, 2025

4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

CSF Pre-Connect

CSF Pre-Connect

March 13th, 2025

6:15 PM - 7:15 PM

CSF Connect and Dinner

CSF Connect and Dinner

March 13th, 2025

7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

See All Events » Submit an Event »

Indiana University Southeast

4201 Grant Line Rd.
New Albany, IN 47150
(812) 941-2333

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